well i know that some of the words they are saying mean. some of the self explanatory ones are "grenada!" which means grenade in Russian. others are what the other factions say just in russian. like Tango down or We have the bomb.
No, there will never be COD MW2 for PS2. Only for PS3, XBOX360 and a PC.
Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.
he doesn't
COD MW2 is a much better game than WAW because the guns on MW2 are much better and more powerful. Trust me i know what im saying is true!
The Spetsnaz are a Branch of the Russian Military. In the game its US vs Russia.
No, there will never be COD MW2 for PS2. Only for PS3, XBOX360 and a PC.
mw2 is awesome but black ops is kinda crap
Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.
Yes you can.
Infinity Ward.
from a store