No, there will never be COD MW2 for PS2. Only for PS3, XBOX360 and a PC.
Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.
he doesn't
1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 4. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 5.CoD 5 A.K.A WaW 6. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 7.CoD 7 A.K.A BO 8. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Story Wise 1.CoD 1 2. CoD 2 3.CoD 3 That is the ww2 story CoD 5 has its own story Now the Modern Warfare Story 1. CoD 4 A.K.A MW 2. CoD 6 A.K.A MW2 3. CoD 8 A.K.A MW3 Black ops doesnt have much of a story mostly just missions. -PSN xXnInJaPoNyXx -GT xXuRn3z22Xx
cod 5 mw3 mw2 mw little big planet 1 and 2 mortal kombat cod 7
I think MW2 is ten times better.
I would suggest cod , cod 2 , cod 3 , cod 5 ,cod black ops , cod mw , cod mw2 thn mw3 when it comes out
Cod mw2 has better graphics so cod is he'll better
mw2 is awesome but black ops is kinda crap
Reach Prestige 1 and Level 69.
No, multiplayer stats are stored on the server.
before you shoot push the y button 2 times.
No, MW2 is not available on PlayStation 2, it's only available on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.
Yes you can.