DOGZZKIN Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your Dogz ADOPTALL Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dog ADOPTONE Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dog WTUMSC Unlock the West Highland Terrier dog JRUMSC Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog
P.s. You might think the DOGZZKIN code will look bad on your Husky. It looks cool on the Jack Russle though.
Good Luck! :P
The spacial skin changes the dogs appearance.
DOGZZKIN - Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your Dogz ADOPTALL - Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dog ADOPTONE - Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dog WTUMSC - Unlock the West Highland Terrier dog JRUMSC - Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog
How does one save their progress on Petz Crazy Monkeyz game disc (Wii)?
The Wii MotionPlus does not work on the first Wii Sports game, but it does work with Wii Sports Resort which is being released in America on 26 July and in Europe on 24 July. *For me it works on both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort*
You will get wii sports with your Nintendo wii you do not get it as an extra game its a practise towards the wii consoles remote and nuchuck etc. however you get a preowned wii you may not get the wii sports with it.
The spacial skin changes the dogs appearance.
There is no special codes for Accessories and Outfits. But there are these special codes.--DOGZZKIN Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your DogzADOPTALL Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dogADOPTONE Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dogWTUMSC Unlock the West Highland Terrier dogJRUMSC Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog--If you meant Petz:Sports.Rating: ***/5.Comment(s):It's okay in the beginning. It was horrible in the end. Freaking shaking the dang wii remote over blah.~And there is only 3 freaking minigames. >_>~zStatic - BAM. Head shot.
DOGZZKIN - Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your Dogz ADOPTALL - Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dog ADOPTONE - Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dog WTUMSC - Unlock the West Highland Terrier dog JRUMSC - Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog
DOGZZKIN Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your DogzADOPTALL Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dogADOPTONE Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dogWTUMSC Unlock the West Highland Terrier dogJRUMSC Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog--If you meant Petz:Sports.Rating: ***/5.Comment(s):It's okay in the beginning. It was horrible in the end. Freaking shaking the dang wii remote over blah.~And there is only 3 freaking minigames. >_>~zStatic - BAM. Head shot.
How does one save their progress on Petz Crazy Monkeyz game disc (Wii)?
Yeah, I think Petz: Dogz 2 and Petz: Catz 2 are similar, check them out!
I have petz catz 2 for wii, but I dont know how purr pals is.....
Go right and click the bulletin board.It should kinda like say "SPECIAL CODE" or something...--SPECIAL CODES v--DOGZZKIN Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your DogzADOPTALL Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dogADOPTONE Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dogWTUMSC Unlock the West Highland Terrier dogJRUMSC Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog--If you meant Petz:Sports.Rating: ***/5.Comment(s):It's okay in the beginning. It was horrible in the end. Freaking shaking the dang wii remote over blah.~And there is only 3 freaking minigames. >_>~zStatic - BAM. Head shot.
You cant get Wii Points on Wii Sports
beyfinding the cristel
DOGZZKIN Toggle unlock the Special Skin for all of your DogzADOPTALL Get enough Adoption Coins to buy every available dogADOPTONE Get 1 Adoption Coin BCUMSC Unlock the Border Collie dogWTUMSC Unlock the West Highland Terrier dogJRUMSC Unlock the Jack Russell Terrier dog--If you meant Petz:Sports.Rating: ***/5.Comment(s):It's okay in the beginning. It was horrible in the end. Freaking shaking the dang wii remote over blah.~And there is only 3 freaking minigames. >_>~zStatic - BAM. Head shot.