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If we told you it wouldn't be a secret any more.

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Q: What are the secets of Pokemon red?
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Related questions

What moves do Red's Pokemon know in Pokemon Red?

you are red so , therefore, you decide the moves your pokemon know...

Can you get arcius in Pokemon Red?

No. Only the first 151 pokemon are available in pokemon red.

Where do you find Pichu in Pokemon Red?

Pichu does not appear in pokemon red. However, Pikachu can be caught in red, blue and is given as a starter pokemon in pokemon yellow.

How do you trade Pokémon Gold to Pokémon Red?

You can't trade Pokemon from Pokemon Gold to Pokemon Red, you can only trade Pokemon from Red to Gold and not the opposite.

In Pokemon gold how do you get Pokemon Red legendaries?

you trade them over from Pokemon red, blue or yellow.

How do you get a shiny Pokemon in Pokemon Red?

Unfortunately, shiny Pokemon only exist in games that aren't red/blue/red sorry

How do I get red's Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cannot get Red's actual Pokemon. You can, however, get the type of Pokemon he has by catching them. He will not trade his own Pokemon to you, however.

How do you get cyndaquil in Pokemon Red?

You cannot get Cyndaquil in Pokemon Red. It is only on Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

What Pokemon does Red own in FireRed?

The same Pokemon as you, as you are Red in Fire Red. Your rival is Blue/Gary.

When was Pokemon Red made?

Pokemon Red was made around October 1998.

Where to get the red orb?

Mr. Pokemon gives it to you after you beat the Pokemon league and red

Where is Red in pokemon firered?

You are red