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to get all yugioh cards in yugioh 5ds you have to, hold the xbox and then go up up a really fast as fast as u can and you get all the cards.

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Q: What are the passwords for Yu-Gi-Oh 5D?
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What is the difference between Yugioh gx and Yugioh 5d?

Yugioh gx is about an academy with people learning how to duel and yugioh 5ds is just mongo's riding crap mc's original was the best. BOLLOCKS TO 5d

What are the passwords for Yugioh 5D's Stardust Accelarator?

The passwords are the 8-digit numbers you see on the bottom left of real Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. You can use the guide in the Related Links section below to find a card and its password.

Where can you download yugioh 5Ds episodes?

Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website

How old is yugi moto?

in YUGIOH = 15-17, in YUGIOH GX = 25-27, in YUGIOH 5d's 28-30

Which yugioh is better?

To be honest we all have our own views. There is now four yugiohs altogether: yugioh, yugioh gx, yugioh 5d's and yugioh zexal. I think yugioh 5d's is better than all of them but I only think this because I haven't watched zexal and I did enjoy the other two. :) but you decide... hope this helped :)

When will they release episode 53 of yugioh 5d's?

they already did

Is yami yugi and little yugi in the new yugioh series called 5d's?

Yugioh the original , took place in normal time. Yugioh GX took place 10 years in the future. Yugioh 5D's, takes place 500 years in the future after Yugioh GX.

How old is Yugi moto in Yugioh 5D's?

He would not still be alive, 5D's is set in the distant future.

Will yugi be in Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's?

No yes he is in 5d yugioh 5d the movie that is he jaden yusei team up to vs paradox

Yugioh 5d's episode 61 English version?


Do any of the original Yugioh characters show up in 5d's?


When will Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's be back with new episodes?

yugioh 5d's is not coming back with new episodes