iron island, (where you meet riley and he gives you a riolu egg,) Full moon island,(where you first see cresselia,) and New moon island (where you catch darkrai)
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.
That pokemon is Azumarill in pokemon platinum in the national pokedex
Speedy-torterra Volar- Staraptor Sparky- Luxray Linds- Garchomp Nami- Vaporeon Gerry- Houndoom
The Orange Islands do not exist in any Pokemon game.
In the house next to the Pokécenter in Eterna City.
He's the sailor that takes you to islands at Canalave City.
route 221 I believe . in the islands below twinleaf town
Go to and on the left find either Pokemon diamond/pearl or Pokemon platinum and choose pokedex under that categorie.
There is no rental Pokemon in in Pokemon platinum
You cant get Pokemon from Pokemon ranger to platinum!
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.
buy the Pokemon platinum book