Barbados and Botswana have 8 letters in their name. Colombia and Malaysia have 8 letters in their name.
There are four countries that have a name containing exactly six letters and the name starts with the letter B. The four countries are Belize, Bhutan, Brazil and Brunei.
European countries with six-letter names include Latvia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Kosovo, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Russia (partly in Europe), Serbia, Sweden and Turkey (a very small part in Europe).
Bosnia, France, England, Greece, Latvia, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Serbia, and Sweden
There are 33 countries that have seven letters in their English names. These countries include Ukraine, Senegal, Lebanon, Jamaica, and Ireland to name a few.
There are no countries (in English) with names five letters long with "s" as the second letter.
Virtually all countries have 3 letters in their names.
There are several countries that are spelled with six letters, including Canada, Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Cyprus, and Latvia.
Assuming you mean exactly six letters - there are three English-language day names with six letters - Monday, Friday, Sunday.