Turkey, Brazil, Sweden, Russia, Serbia, Latvia, Greece
There are actually 6 Greek Goddesses with six letter names: Hecate, Athena, Hestia, Phoebe, Themis, and Selena.
Six letter words that start with the letters wh:whackowhackswhackywhaleswhammywharfswheelswheezewheezywhencewhinedwhinerwhippywhirlswhiskywhiterwholly
BananaOrangeLitchi or LycheeTomatoQuince
rabbit has 6 letters R-A-B-B-I-T
JehovahAnswer:Both Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma have six letters in their names and were creator deities.
There are many plants with six letters in their names. These include acorus, barley, cotton, Daphne, juncus, mangle, nettle, as well as savine.
Grains, dairy, meat, fruit, vegetables, fats and oils
Banana is a fruit or vegetable which has six letters, of which three are the letter "a." The edible in question serves as one of the world's easiest words to spell since it is written the way it sounds: "buh-neh-nuh" in the English of the United States of America.
The answer is none. There are only five states names spelled with six letters, and none use the same six. They are: Alaska Hawaii Kansas Nevada Oregon
Turkey, Brazil, Sweden, Russia, Serbia, Latvia, Greece
There are no English words that meet the criteria, even when you repeat the letters (which you need to do to make five letters spell a six-letter word).