Off topic: You can rearrange Phione into iPhone :D
Phione starts with :
Bubble & Water Sport
Charm-level 9
Supersonic-level 16
Bubblebeam-level 24
Acid Armor-level 31
Whirlpool-level 39
Water Pulse-level 46
Aqua Ring-level 54
Dive-level 61
Rain Dance-level 69 :)
Level when you get it
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
Level 13
the moves charmander learns go as: level 7- ember, level 13- metal claw
Phione does not evolve
Level when you get it
because when you get to a certian level you have learnt all the moves it will learn by level
if you have a manaphy egg from Pokemon ranger i don't know. but if you get one from diamon or pearl in the egg it will be a phione. [New person] First of all-- Manaphy is gender-less, so it's not a "he/him". Moving on. I'm not sure if Manaphy can pass it's moves down to Phione ....however... When you mate a Ditto and a Phione.... it naturally knows 'bubble' and 'water sport'. You can teach it other moves via the move tutor, TMs and by level-up but that's it. I don't recall Phione knowing other moves at birth. Been collecting Phione in the GTS and all of them thus far know the same moves.
marshtomp learns good moves in level 16 he learns mud shot but u have to train so it could learn good moves or just maake him learn moves by tm.
He does not learn any moves at level 100.
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
level 4,8,11,15,18,22,25,29,32,36,39, and 43.
Sawk learn counter at a level 18.Sawk learn low sweep at a level 16
level 43
i dont no
Level 13