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its for changing a deoxys' forms

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Q: What are the meteorite's for in veilstone city?
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How do you change deoxes forms in Pokemon dimand?

You go to the meteorites in Veilstone city

What do the meteorites in Veilstone City do in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

They are for changing the form of deoxys.

How do you get a deoxes on Pokemon Diamond?

you must migrate it from HG/SS then it will appear at the meteorites at the veilstone city

How do you get the stones to change deoxus pokeon diamond?

to get deoxys to change to a different form, go to veilstone city and click on one of the meteorites.

How do you get to veilstone city in Pokemon LeafGreen?

There is no Veilstone City

How does deyoxys change form on Pokemon pearl?

Go to Veilstone City and interact with 1 of the meteorites there, that'll change Deoxys' form into Attack, Defense, Speed or Normal Forme.

What type is deoxs Pokemon?

Deoxys is Phychic type. It has four forms: Normal, Speed, Attack and Defence, which can all be changed by having it in your party and touching the meteorites in Veilstone City.

Where is veilstone department store?

In Veilstone City.

Can you break a meteor in the city of veilstone?

The meteorites cannot be broken. they are only used for deoxys. if you have deoxys in your party and press a in front of one it (deoxys) will change formssource(s): game experience

What is the ep when ash vs maylene veilstone city?

its the episode when they get to veilstone city

How do you get the storage key in veilstone city?

you go to the game corner in veilstone city.

Where is the gym leader in Veilstone?

She is in the veilstone City gym