Mysteries abound, made of a deep energy (energy) ,
foes all around, but I will go fearless and free,
I'll give you strength, you give me love,
that's how we'll live (that's how we'll live),
my courage won't fade if you're with me my enemies will never win,
we will fight for love and glory, we will live to tell the story!
There is nothing we can't live through, nothing ever dies; we will rise again!
Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now,
don't stop there's so much to be found,
we can find paradise, all we have to do is go,
go, free your soul! DRAGON SOUL!!!(SOUL!!!)
Dragon ball z kai theme. (MINIMV)
Mysteries abound, made of a deep energy (energy), foes all around but I will go fearless and free, I'll give you strength, you give me love, that's how we live (that's how we live), my courage won't fade if you're with me my enemies will never win, we will fight for love and glory, we will live to tell the story! If there is nothing we can't live through, nothing ever dies; we will rise again! Don't stop, don't stop, we're in luck now, don't stop there's so much to be found, we can find paradise, all we have to do is go, go, Free your soul! DRAGON SOUL!!!
dragon soul
Vic Mignogna(he also plays Broly and Burter)
Koji Kondo created the Super Mario Bros. theme song.
south park theme song
THe legend of Zelda theme song was created by Shigeru Miyamoto.
the theme song of dragon ball gt is step into the grand tour.
the name of the dragon ball z kai theme song isdragon soul
Dragon Soul
Dragon Soul
dragon soul
The shalla h alla
Its called dragon soul
Linkin Park
Song by Kageyama Hironobu
The guy who sings that awesome song is Hironobu Kageyama, he has sung every single song in the Dragon Ball Saga and videogames too.
check the lyrics here of the Edge;s theme song:
Youtube is where you can watch it ENJOY. See related link