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Vic Mignogna(he also plays Broly and Burter)

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Q: Who sings the Dragon Ball Z Kai theme song?
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The guy who sings that awesome song is Hironobu Kageyama, he has sung every single song in the Dragon Ball Saga and videogames too.

What is the name of the Dragon Ball z burst limit theme song and who sings it?

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What is the name of Dragon Ball Z Kai theme song?

the name of the dragon ball z kai theme song isdragon soul

What is Dragon Ball Z Kai theme song?

Dragon Soul

What is the Dragon Ball Z Kai opening theme song?

Dragon Soul

What is the Dragon Ball Z Kai theme song name?

dragon soul

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Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahehi

What is the theme song of Dragon Ball Z?

The shalla h alla

What name of all dragon ball z Kai theme song?

Its called dragon soul

Who made the Dragon Ball Z Kai theme song?

Linkin Park