Articuno is the blue one (ice flying type)
Zapdos is the yellow one(electic flying type)
Moltres is the red one (fire flying type)
If you're talking about the legendary Pokemon Articuno, you have to trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen. If you're talking about Delibird, you have to trade it from FireRed.
Manaphy is a legendary water type of Pokemon. It is not possible to get this Pokemon in the game Pokemon LeafGreen.
migrate from firered and leafgreen
There are 2 bird Pokémon that are made of Fire, there is Moltres which is a first Generation Legendary Pokémon and there is a second Generation Pokémon that is called Ho-Oh.
no.but you can trade it who someone who has it at firered leafgreen and yellow version......
Articuno (sometimes wrongly spelled as Articoono) is a legendary bird Pokémon. You can find it in LeafGreen version in the Seafoam Islands.
Other than cheats, you can't
there are 5 legendary Pokemon in leafgreen version
You cannot get Legendary Pokémon Eggs in Pokémon LeafGreen due to Legendary Pokémon being incapable of breeding.
If you're talking about the legendary Pokemon Articuno, you have to trade it from FireRed or LeafGreen. If you're talking about Delibird, you have to trade it from FireRed.
the three legendary cats, after you beat the elite four, one of them (depending on which starter you chose) will randomly appear in the grass. By the way, they are the legendary cats, not dogs. The Pokemon Company revealed that Raikou is a tiger, Entei is a lion, and Suicune is a cheetah.
Yes you can.
Id say articuno becuz hes ice ice baby
The legendary birds are: Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres.
There are multiple legendary pokemon. But there isn't one that the game focuses on.
you have to beat the elite four then look in the grass and hope you find the legendary dogs