

Best Answer

You cannot make the Fairy Princess Ball Gown on Webkinz. BUT, you can get it at the Kinzstyle Outlet from the Specials. I got mine from there at 4:00 PM on Sat. May 15 2010.

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Q: What are the ingredents for the webkinz fairy princess ball gown recipe?
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What are all of the ingredents for the webkinz fairy princess ball gown recipe?

stripe hat, ruby slipers, and powder skirt

What is the Recipe for webkinz fairy princess ball gown?

THERE IS NO RECIPE FOR THE Fairy Princess Ball Gown! It comes as one of P.J.'s specials. I know because I have one!

The recipe fo the princess fairy gown on webkinz?

You cannot make the Fairy Princess Ball Gown on Webkinz. BUT, you can get it at the Kinzstyle Outlet from the Specials. I got mine from there at 4:00 PM on Sat. May 15 2010.

What is the recipe for the fairy princess gown webkinz?

their is no recipe, it's an hourly deal and it's very rare. I have one though so i know where you get it.

What is the recipe for the fairy princess ball gown for webkinz kinzstyle outlet machine?

I don't know the full recipe but I know for a fact that parkly pink bow, and the princess hat are 2 of the things in it.

What is the recipe for the princess fairy gown on webkinz?

You need to use the purple kilt, purple mod hat, and fancy turquoise blouse! Good Luck!

Webkinz clothing machine recipe fairy dress?

The webkinz fairy dress is NOT made in the webkinz clothing machine. It can only be bought at the kinzstyle outlet at certain hours.

Webkinz kinzstyle recipe for fairy princess gown?

It has not been released yet, Webkinz decides when to release the recipes. Yo u can try to make it, but you're wasting time and kinzcash.

Fairy princess ball gown on webkinz?

You cannot make the Fairy Princess Ball Gown on Webkinz. BUT, you can get it at the Kinzstyle Outlet from the Specials. I got mine from there at 4:00 PM on Sat. May 15 2010.

How do you make webkinz kinzstyle outlet fairy princess dress?

I don't think you can do that.

What ist he recipe for the fairy priensess ball gown in webkinz?

You can't yet it's not out.

How do you make the fairy princess ball gown on webkinz?

well, you can get the fairy princess ballgown on the webkinz cares machine. it has been proved by a member that you can. they even showed pictures. does that help? From my understanding the gown was available as a special sale at the webkinz outlet for a period of time.