The webkinz fairy dress is NOT made in the webkinz clothing machine. It can only be bought at the kinzstyle outlet at certain hours.
Yeah you can make one dress on on Webkinz with the Clothing Machine. You can only make the cowgirl dress with the blue sundress, cow poke top, and the cow boy hat. You can also make a new cute outfit by getting the Cow Boy theme items for your pet! That's what I did to make my pet the most styling pet around!
You can't make it yet because webkinz world hasn't decided which items to use for the dress. Actually the reason many people have it is because the gown was available for a period of time as a special sale at the webkinz outlet.
Dirndl - Traditional Bavarian Dress Dress
I Know the answer!!! For the prismatic dress the combanition is Flower power top, Dude hat, and Wide Tan pants! Hope this helped!!!!
Well, I would wear something sparkly, so, how about the golden dress?
The prismatic dress on webkinz is undiscovered No it is discovered, it is the dude hat, wide tan pants, and flower power swimsuit top.
Strawberry hat: green layred tee eurpeon flare shades red bow Prismatic dress: dude hat flower power suit top wide tan pants
There's no recipe for it, it was the deluxe clothing item for June 2010.
webkinz did not release the dress yet but you could make other things in the clothing machine
Cowgirl DressCowboy HatCow Poke TopSmocked SundressThe Cowgirl Dress can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Cowboy Hat + Cow Poke Top + Smocked Sundress. Solved by Webkinz Insider member jdoodle.Detective CapBlue Ball CapRed Ball CapTan Suit JacketThe Detective Cap (originally called the Detective Hat on WebkinzNewz) can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Blue Ball Cap + Red Ball Cap + Tan Suit Jacket. Solved by Webkinz Insider member mlachance9.Glass SlippersFunky Girl GlassesRuby SlippersPrincess HatThe Glass Slippers can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Funky Girl Glasses + Ruby Slippers + Princess Hat. Solved by Webkinz Insider member LinLin.Highland Jacket and TopUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Highland Jacket and Top is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on July 7th, 2010.Highland KiltKilt SkirtPurple KiltFunky Plaid HatThe Highland Kilt can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Kilt Skirt + Purple Kilt + Funky Plaid Hat. Solved by Webkinz Insider member taytertots.Patched Denim JacketGreen Layered TeePurple Layered TeeJeansThe Patched Denim Jacket can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Green Layered Tee + Purple Layered Tee + Jeans. The solution for this can be found by clicking the "i" in the upper-left corner of the Clothing Machine.Patchwork Hat / Jacket / PantsAnyAnyAnyThe Patchwork Hat, Patchwork Jacket, and Patchwork Pantscan be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining an incorrect combination of clothing (a combination that is not a correct solution for a recipe). Which item you receive is random, so you can put the same three items in multiple times and get a different patchwork item each time.Prismatic DressUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Prismatic Dress is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on July 7th, 2010.Seaside SarongUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Seaside Sarong is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced in September, 2009.Sparkly Silver Suit JacketUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced in September, 2009.Sparkly Silver Suit PantsTan Suit PantsSparkly Pink BowTuxedo ShoesThe Sparkly Silver Suit Pants can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Tan Suit Pants + Sparkly Pink Bow + Tuxedo Shoes. Solved by Webkinz Insider member JINGLES139.Strawberry HatGreen Layered TeeEuropean Flare ShadesRed BowThe Strawberry Hat can be created in the Webkinz Clothing Machine by combining: Green Layered Tee + European Flare Shades + Red Bow. Solved by Webkinz Insider member 8arose.Stunning KimonoUnknownUnknownUnknownThe Stunning Kimono is a confirmed, but unsolved Clothing Machine Recipe in Webkinz World, introduced on July 7th, 2010.
you can't. You have to buy it when you unlock a webkinz clothing peice
Actually, it might NOT be in the KinzStyle Outlet clothing machine. I woul try the Curio Shop and look for rare items. (To get rare items at the Curio shop, you have to give a tip.)
Yeah you can make one dress on on Webkinz with the Clothing Machine. You can only make the cowgirl dress with the blue sundress, cow poke top, and the cow boy hat. You can also make a new cute outfit by getting the Cow Boy theme items for your pet! That's what I did to make my pet the most styling pet around!
glass slippers,toga,patchwork,cowgirl dress,toy soldjer thaose are all i knowe
You use the chalk flower top, the bright green shorts and the smocked sundress. it's true.
What is the recipe for the webkinz fairy ball gown dress?
I was checking the latest news at and saw someone got that dress from the webkinz cares machine!