The gym leaders are Roark(rock),Gardenia(grass),Fantina(ghost),Maylene(fighting),Wake(water),Byron(steel),Candice(ice),and Volkner(electric).
You can't.
you can do about anything after you just cant beat the gym leaders again.
well you have to go to the survival area and into the bar where you can find gym leaders to battle
its the trainer house thing with all the gym leaders but he doesn't stay there for long
On eather game, sadly, you can't. But on Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold and Soulsilver you can...
No, however, in Pokemon Platinum, it is possible to rebattle gym leaders at the Survival Area.
beat the gym leaders
you cant.
You have to use a cheat.
the gym leaders are the same as they are on pearl and diamond. but the order you fight the gym leaders are different. Turtwig would be the easiest way through the game.
technically no, but you wont get anywhere in the game.
Go in to every Pokemon gym and get beaten at least 10 times againgst the gym leaders.
You'll have to go to the gym and fight with them with your own equal or better Pokemon team.
There is an inn where 3 Gym Leaders battle you (on the Battle Zone)
Walk in and save the game then go in and in out
You can't.
use Pokemon diamond/peral/platinum's effect calculator and find out what the gym leaders weakness is