All of the elite four members have four Pokemon, in which you can fight them in any order. Three of each of their Pokemon are lvl 48, and each have one lvl 50. The types are phychic, ghost, fighting, and dark.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
Beat the elite four
you cant
I would suggest having your whole team above level 50 so you have a chance to beat the Elite Four. I think the Elite Four Pokemon are at level 50-60, so well trained level 50 Pokemon will be good for the elite four.
Well,Level 70-100 Is A Good Level To Beat The Elite 4.
It's the same as Pokemon gold and crystal. Elite four Pokemon are between levels 40-50.
After the elite four in Pokemon white.
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
You need to beat the elite four before you can get Zekrom.
the elite four are jyust after victory road (just north of opelic city)
beat the elite four.
Beat the elite four
At 'N's Castle after beating the Elite Four.
starter lv.60
You can battle the elite four at the pokemon leauge.
It surrounds the Elite Four, you can only go there after you beat the Elite Four the first time.
from lvl 46 to 67 i think