Alley Aly.
Annex Anex., Annx., Anx.
Arcade Arc.
Avenue Av., Ave, Aven, Avenu, Avn, Avnue
Bayou Bayoo, Byu
Beach Bch
Bend Bnd
Bluff Bluf, Blf
Bluffs Blufs, Blfs
Bottom Bot, Bottm, Btm
Boulevard Boul, Boulv, Blvd
Branch Brnch, Br
Bridge Brdge, Brg
Brook Brk
Brooks Brks
Burg Bg
Bypass Bypa, Bypas, Byps, Byp
Camp Cmp, Cp
Canyon Canyn, Cnyn, Cyn
Cape Cpe
Causeway Causwa, Cswy
Center Cen, Cent, Centr, Centre, Cnter, Cntr, Ctr
Centers Ctrs
Circle Circ, Circl, Crcl, Crcle, Cir, Crc
Close Cl
Concourse Con
Court Ct, Crt
Crescent Cr
Crest Crst
Drive Dr
Esplanade Esp
Expressway Expy.
Extension Ext.
Garden Gdn
Gardens Gdns
Glen Glen.
Green Grn
Greenbelt Grnbelt
Grove Grove.
Hill Hill.
Highway Hwy.
Island Isl.
Junction Junct.
Lane Ln
Light Lt.
Loop Loop.
Mall Mall.
Meadow Meadow.
Mews Mews.
Mill Mill.
Mission Mission.
Park Pk.
Parkway Pkwy.
Path Path.
Plaza Plaza.
Point Pt.
Port Port.
Prairie Prairie.
Quay Quay.
Radial Rad.
Ranch Ranch.
Rise Rise.
Road Rd.
Row Row.
Run Run.
Seat Seat.
Shore Shore.
Slip Slip.
Spring Spring.
Square Sq.
Station Stn.
Street St.
Terrace Ter.
Trail Trail.
Tunnel Tunnel.
Underpass Underpass.
Union Union.
Village Village.
Walk Walk.
Way Way.
Well Well.
Wharf Wharf.
Yard Yd.
Some examples:
Road, street, gardens, court, lane, hill, way, park, avenue, close, fields, drive, dale, way, farm and abby.
11. There are 10 for the normal levels, and a final ending that is unlocked after seeing all other endings.
Shadow karate chops him. No, seriously. This happens in THREE DIFFERENT ENDINGS. In one of these, E-123 Omega also threatens to fire at him.
X Ray Drive is the name of a road in Gastonia, NC. Xienghone Road is the name of a street in Mt. Gilead, NC.
Play the story constantly to get all 10 endings (when you have unlocked all the bosses) then you'll get last story.
Yes. The DVD does include an alternate endings. You can also find alternate endings on YouTube.
There are 10 different endings for Grow Island. Each ending is achieved by selecting different options for building on the island in the game.
Yes. Thd DVD does contain alternate endings. You can also find alternate endings on YouTube.
Common city name endings include "ville," "town," "burg," "ton," "field," "chester," and "borough." These endings often indicate the city's origins or historical significance.
Something to do with social studies and endings of civilizations
Something to do with social studies and endings of civilizations
There is no color until light impinges on the photosensitive nerve endings in your eye. Until then, it's just electromagnetic radiation with different wavelengths. When that radiation falls on the retina of your eye, different wavelengths produce chemical reactions in different nerve endings, and the brain interprets the signals from different nerve endings as different colors.
No, because they have different endings.
"Taste buds" is the common name for the nerve endings for the sense of taste.
In Monthly Manful by Humplex, the endings are usually determined by the choices you make during the game. To achieve different endings, try exploring different options or responses when interacting with the character. Experimenting with various actions and dialogue choices can lead you to unlock different endings in the game.