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1.8 has added a LOT of features. Like Double-tapping the key to go forward makes you dash but if you dash for 15 seconds your food bar goes down. Food bar needs food to make it full again you can kill cows and chicken, pigs, or Zombies for food. BUT! you can get poisoned. And food doesn't heal health anymore only the food bar does if its full. Full Food Bar = Half a heart per 1.5 seconds. Golden Apples now regenerate health every second for 30 seconds. There are now strongholds which are like dungeons with treasure and it has 3 strongholds per minecraft world. And abandon mine-shafts which are wooden stuff with treasure like chest with lapiz and bread and gold and iron and it is a dungeon. has new items too. Added Enderman a mob. AND THERE IS MORE ABOUT 1.8 but I don't wanna list them :)

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