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In the Characters Folders

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Q: What are the def files of Blaziken and Lucario in MUGEN?
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How do you get amalgam comic char to mugen?

To get an amalgam comic character into MUGEN, you would first need to create or download a compatible character file in the appropriate format (usually .def and .sff files). Once you have the necessary files, you can then add the character to the MUGEN roster by editing the select.def file and adding the character's information. Finally, place the character files in the correct directories within the MUGEN system folders to make the character playable.

What is the def file of Gardevoir in MUGEN?

yes there is. open the gardevior folder and look for a notepad picture that should be your def file.

Is togekiss better than Lucario in Pokemon diamond?

i think you should choose togekiss. you don't really need lucario since you've got plenty of physical attackers. forretress has pretty poor base stats apart from def but i guess you could use it if you want some variety to the team. togekiss has a pretty good special attack stat with moderate def and hp so it's like your back up porygon-z.

Is my Lucario good it is lv87 movesdragon pulse psychic dark pulse aura sphere stats-attk-187 def-163 sp attk250 sp def165 speed 206?

Try to get to lvl 100 but every thing else good :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):O

How many times and against who have the Dallas Cowboys played in a superbowel?

eight superbowls colts def cowboys cowboys def dolphins steelers def cowboys steelers def cowboys cowboys def broncos cowboys def bills cowboys def bills cowboys def steelers wrestlmania 25 results?

carlito + primo def the miz + john Morrison cm punk def lance cade Shawn micheals def Tyson kidd triple h def randy orton batista def Andre the giant mark Henry def undertaker the great khali def jbl finlay def jtg edge def mr Kennedy sto def mankind the rock def hulk hogan + stone cold ( TRIPLE THREAT )

What does DEF stand for?

In programming, DEF is used to DEFINE a function. Internet Slang Def: Def on the internet might mean cool or great. Def can also be the abbreviation for the word definition.

What are the results for WWE extreme rules 2010?

The results of Extreme Rules 2010 are as follows:Hart Dynasty def. Big Show and MizCM Punk def. Rey MysterioJTG def. Shad GaspardJack Swagger def. Randy OrtonSheamus def. HHHBeth Phoenix def. Michelle MccoolEdge def. Chris JerichoJohn Cena def. Batista

How do you burst a deadly flower on wonderland online?

def, def, def, debuff and debuff

How do you add endings for characters in mugen?

first... you get tha ending file (def, sff and mp3 or midi, etc)now you open your charactr DEF, look for arcadeand write the name of the ending file for example....introstoryboard =endingstoryboard = data/capend/ending.defy put the espeificationof the ending file if you need to put the ending for more than 1 char..... or put the ending file into the character carpet if the ending is just for this char like this....endingstoryboard = ending.def wrestlmania 26 results?

big show def randy orton reymsterio def mvp chris Jericho def triple h Matt hardy def Jeff hardy mark Henry def luke gallos mickie James def Ashley brian kendrick def trevor murdoch bobby lashley def big daddy v john cena def edge

How to Make Your Own Custom Fighting Video Games?

Whether it was going through piles of quarters at the local arcade or fighting your friends on your home console, we’ve all had fun playing fighting video games. What you may not know is you can build your own customizable fighting game with a freeware program named MUGEN.First you will need to download the MUGEN software. You can download the latest version at Simply download the file for the program and then unzip that file onto your hard-drive.Secondly, you’ll want to find characters. MUGEN only comes with one character, but you can add an infinite amount. Simply search online for mugen character downloads. You’ll find plenty of websites with hundreds of characters to add to your game, including old favorites from games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat.The third step is adding the characters to your game. Open the folder for MUGEN on your hard-drive that was extracted from the zip file. You will find a folder there named chars. All you have to do is drag and drop the folder for each character from the files you downloaded into this folder.The fourth step is to edit the select.def file. You can find this file in the data folder. Open this file in a text editor program, add the name of the character as it appears in the folder name in chars under the section for characters, and then save the changes to select.def.The last step is adding new character backgrounds or stages. Adding stages is very similar to adding characters. Simply search for mugen stage downloads. Some stages for characters even come in the same zip download as the character files.Stages come with both a .def and a .sff file. Simply copy these files into the folder named stages. Next open up the select.def file again. Next to the character name you need to add a comma, a space, the word stages, a backslash, and the name of the .def file. The entire entry should appear as character1, stages/stage1.def. Save the changes, and you’re done.Follow these steps and you’ll soon be on your way to making your own custom fighting game.