

Best Answer

Goku [early] [Common enemy] - 350 > 460

Goku [early] [Goku's quiet rage] - 8,000 > 9,000

Goku [early] [Ultimate decisive battle] - 9,000 > 12,500 > 16,200 > 24,500

Goku [early] [World's strongest] - 9,000 > 12,800 > 17,000 > 25,000

Goku [early] [The final battle for the earth] - 18,000 > 30,000 > 45,000 >60,000

Goku [early] [Super saiyan Goku] - 900,000 > 1,250,000 > 18,000,000

Goku [mid] [Super saiyan!?] - 5,000 > 75,000

Goku [mid] [Defeat Frieza!] - 5,000,000 > 5,600,000 > 6,500,000 > 7,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [mid] [Legendary super saiyan] - 18,500,000

Goku [mid] [Mightiest vs mightiest] - 13,250,000 > 18,500,000

Super Saiyan Goku [mid] [Mightiest vs mightiest] - 25,000,000

Goku [mid] [The return of Cooler] - 21,000,000 > 28,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [mid] [The return of Cooler] - 65,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [mid] [More Androids!?] - 25,000,000 > 6,000,000

Goku [mid] [The three super saiyans] - 12,500,000

Super Saiyan Goku [mid] [The three super saiyans] - 25,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [The legendary super saiyan] - 125,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [Blaze! ultimate burning battle] - 325,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [end] [Cell games] - 145,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Goku [end] [Fated battle] - 360,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [end] [Innocent monster] - 180,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Goku [end] [Innocent monster] - 720,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Goku [end] [Fusion reborn] - 720,000,000

Goku [end] [Fusion reborn] - 25,000,000

Gogeta [fusion reborn] - 15,000,000,000

Goku [end] [The ultimate warrior] - 25,000,000

Vegito [The ultimate warrior] - 6,000,000,000

Super Vegito [The ultimate warrior] - 15,000,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Goku [Battle for the universe!] - 720,000,000

Goku [Spirit bomb] - 20,000,000,000

Goku [GT] [Baby saga] - 24,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [GT] [Super 17 saga] - 145,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Goku [GT] [Baby saga] - 580,000,000

Super Saiyan 4 Goku [GT] [Baby saga] - 2,600,000,000

Super Saiyan 4 Goku [GT] [Super 17 saga] - 2,800,000,000

Super Saiyan 4 Goku [GT] [Evil dragon saga] - 3,000,000,000 > 4,500,000,000

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta [Evil dragon saga] - 150,000,000,000

Kid Gohan [Goku's quiet rage] - 1,200 > 5,000

Kid Gohan [World's strongest] - 1,500 > 5,200

Kid Gohan [Frieza's transformation] - 1,200,000 > 2,500,000

Super Saiyan Teen Gohan [Cell games] - 150,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan [Gohan explodes] - 300,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan [Final battle] - 225,000,000 [injured]

Teen Gohan [Galactic tyrants] - 26,000,000

Super Saiyan Teen Gohan [Galactic tyrants] - 160,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Teen Gohan [Protect the earth!] - 320,000,000

Gohan [Not in dragon history] - 21,000,000

Super Saiyan Gohan [Dangerous duo!] - 150,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan [Not in dragon history] - 250,000,000

Ultimate Gohan [Not in dragon history] - 2,500,000,000

Piccolo [early] [Common enemy] - 305 > 420

Piccolo [early] [Goku's quiet rage] - 4,250

Piccolo [early] [World's strongest] - 5,800

Piccolo [early] [Frieza's transformation] - 1,080,000 > 1,800,000

Piccolo [early] [Makyo star] - 1,800,000

Piccolo [end] [The legendary super saiyan] - 105,000,000

Krillin [Frieza's transformation] - 30,000

Krillin [Makyo star] - 38,000

Krillin [Vegeta's curiosity] - 1,200,000

Krillin [Perfect body] - 1,200,000

Yamcha [Not in dragon history] - 1,400 > 50,000 > 1,050,000

Trunks [sword] [Not in dragon history] - 8,000,000

Super Saiyan Trunks [sword] [The three super saiyans] - 23,000,000

Trunks [fighting] [Not in dragon history] - 20,000,000

Super Trunks [fighting] [Vegeta's curiosity] - 60,000,000

Ultra Trunks [fighting] [Perfect body] - 94,000,000

Super Saiyan Trunks [fighting] [The legendary super saiyan] - 110,000,000

Super Trunks [fighting] [Free the future] - 120,000,000

Super Trunks [fighting] [Galactic tyrants] - 120,000,000

Vegeta [scouter] [Ultimate battle] - 18,000

Great ape Vegeta [Ultimate battle] - 180,000

Vegeta [scouter] [Frieza's transformation] - 260,000 > 3,000,000

Super Saiyan Vegeta [More Androids!?] - 17,500,000

Super Saiyan Vegeta [The three super saiyans] - 24,000,000

Super Saiyan Vegeta [The return of Cooler] - 62,000,000

Super Vegeta [Vegeta's curiosity] - 62,000,000

Super Vegeta [Perfect body] - 62,000,000

Super Saiyan Vegeta [The legendary super saiyan] - 115,000,000

Super Vegeta [Galactic tyrants] - 120,000,000

Majin Vegeta [end] [Fated battle] - 360,000,000

Vegeta [second form] [Fusion reborn] - 24,000,000

Gogeta [Fusion reborn] - 15,000,000,000

Vegeta [second form] [The ultimate warrior] - 24,000,000

Vegito [The ultimate warrior] - 6,000,000,000

Super Vegito [The ultimate warrior] - 15,000,000,000

Vegeta [second form] [Battle for the universe!] - 24,000,000

Super Saiyan Vegeta [second form] [Not in dragon history] - 140,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta [second form] [Not in dragon history] - 280,000,000

Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta [second form] [Evil dragon saga] - 2,400,000,000

Tien [Goku's quiet rage] - 1,550

Tien [Galactic tyrants] - 2,000,000

Chiaotzu [Goku's quiet rage] - 1,200

Chiaotzu [Not in dragon history] - 30,000 > 900,000

Goten [Not in dragon history] - 12,500,000

Super Saiyan Goten [Dangerous duo!] - 62,500,000

Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 400,000,000

Super Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 800,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 1,600,000,000

Kid Trunks [Not in dragon history] - 12,000,000

Super Saiyan Kid Trunks [Dangerous duo!] - 62,000,000

Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 400,000,000

Super Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 800,000,000

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks [Not in dragon history] - 1,600,000,000

Future Gohan [Not in dragon history] - 15,000,000 > 25,000,000

Super Saiyan Future Gohan [Not in dragon history] - 25,000,000 > 120,000,000

Videl [Not in dragon history] - 180

Hercule [Battle for the universe!] - 100

Master Roshi [Not in dragon history] - 220

Muscular Roshi [Blaze! ultimate burning battle] - 24,000

Yajirobe [Not in dragon history] - 970

Supreme Kai [Not in dragon history] - 120,000,000

Kibitokai [Not in dragon history] - 680,000,000

Saibamen [Not in dragon history] - 1,200

Raditz [Common enemy] - 1,700

Nappa [Goku's quiet rage] - 7,800

Frieza's soilder [Villain's heart] - 1,500

Appule [Not in dragon history] - 2,000

Cui [Not in dragon history] - 18,000

Dodoria [Not in dragon history] - 20,000

Zarbon [Not in dragon history] - 23,000

Monster Zarbon [Not in dragon history] - 33,000

Guldo [Not in dragon history] - 10,000

Recoome [Super saiyan!?] - 45,000

Burter [Super saiyan!?] - 50,000

Jeice [Super saiyan!?] - 45,000

Captain Ginyu [Not in dragon history] - 120,000

Frieza [Frieza's transformation] - 520,000

Frieza 1st form [Frieza's transformation] - 1,200,000 > 1,500,000

Frieza 2nd form [Frieza's transformation] - 3,000,000

Frieza final form [Frieza's transformation] - 4,000,000

Frieza final form [Defeat Frieza!] - 4,000,000 > 5,000,000 > 6,500,000

Frieza final form [Legendary super saiyan] - 12,000,000

Frieza final form 100% [Legendary super saiyan] - 18,000,000

Mecha Frieza [Villain's heart] - 20,000,000

King Cold [Villain's heart] - 22,000,000

King Vegeta [Saiyan's betrayal] - 18,000,000

Android 19 [More Androids!?] - 8,000,000

Android 20 [More Androids!?] - 1,000,000

Android 17 [Not in story mode] - 30,000,000

Android 18 [Vegeta's curiosity] - 30,000,000

Android 16 [Vegeta's curiosity] - 34,000,000

Imperfect Cell [Free the future] - 26,770,000

17 Absorbed Cell [Vegeta's curiosity] - 58,000,000

Cell [Perfect form] [Vegeta's curiosity] - 60,000,000

Cell [Perfect form] [Perfect body] - 95,000,000

Cell [Perfect form] [Cell games] - 95,000,000 > 150,000,000 > 165,000,000

Cell junior [Gohan explodes!] - 150,000,000

Cell [Perfect form] [Gohan explodes] - 175,000,000

Perfect Cell [Final battle] - 240,000,000

Spopovitch [Not in dragon history] - 1,000

Babidi [Farewell to the proud warrior!] - 65

Dabura [Fated battle] - 125,000,000

Majin Buu [Farewell to the proud warrior!] - 680,000,000

Evil Buu [Not in dragon history] - 700,000,000

Super Buu [Not in dragon history] - 1,450,000,000

Buutenks [Not in dragon history] - 2,700,000,000

Buuhan [Not in dragon history] - 5,600,000,000

Kid Buu - 720,000,000

Garlic junior [Makyo star] - 1,000,000

Garlic junior morphed form [Makyo star] - 1,200,000

Dr. Wheelo [World's strongest] - 62,000

Turles [Final battle for the earth] - 32,000 > 58,000 > 66,000 > 120,000

Great ape Turles [Not in dragon history] - 1,200,000

Lord Slug [Super saiyan Goku] - 3,000,000

Giant Slug [Super saiyan Goku] - 18,000,000

Salza [Not in story mode] - 520,000

Cooler [Mightiest vs mightiest] - 13,000,000

Cooler final form [Mightiest vs mightiest] - 21,000,000

Meta Cooler [The return of Cooler] - 75,000,000

Android 13 [The three super saiyans] - 25,000,000

Super Android 13 [The three super saiyans] - 52,000,000

Broly [Not in dragon histoy] - 20,000,000

Super Saiyan Broly [Not in dragon history] - 60,000,000 > 120,000,000

Legendary Super Saiyan Broly [The legendary super saiyan] - 300,000,000

Legendary Super Saiyan Broly [Blaze! ultimate burning battle] - 300,000,000

Legendary Super Saiyan Broly [Dangerous duo!] - 300,000,000

Zangya [Galactic tyrants] - 120,000,000

Bojack [Galactic tyrants] - 170,000,000

Super Bojack [Galactic tyrants] - 300,000,000

Super Bojack [Protect the earth!] - 300,000,000

Janemba - 650,000,000

Super Janemba - 6,000,000,000

Hiruduguarn - 2,500,000,000

Baby Vegeta - 600,000,000

Super Baby 1 - 800,000,000

Super Baby 2 - 1,200,000,000

Great ape Baby - 2,400,000,000

Super 17 - 2,500,000,000

Nuova Shenron - 2,800,000,000

Syn Shenron - 3,000,000,000

Omega Shenron - 6,000,000,000

Kid Goku - 300

Kid Chi Chi - 125

Grandpa Gohan - 250

Arale - ?

Android 8 - 230

General Blue - 175

General Tao - 200

Tambourine - 224

King Piccolo - 260

Cyborg Tao - 210

Devilman - 200

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I dunno much about video games, but technically, I don't think you can. For one, as said by goku in the Fusion Saga ( DBZ Majin Buu saga), you have to be the same height. Krillin isn't even as tall as gohan, so that's not possible. He also mentions (i think) that the person has Tobe of the same race. So pure saiyan and PURE earthling don't match. Thridly, the power levels must be the same, and to fight a competent enemy like cell or buu, krillin's puny power and goku's massive power levels won't work, even if goku descends to krillins power level, because then the fused former won't be competent at all! And also there is no such thing as budoki tenkaichi 4.

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you what? no no no i miht be might not be mabye in a kuple yrs 2011-10 tenkai chi 4 will have a cgraractere creator with own power lookks and more any way bale who needs cheats on dbz tenkaich 1 id daaaaaaaaaaa beeeeeeeeeeeeeest

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use omega shenron rapiyably use ki power up 3 super up 3 and ki is at max at the start of each battle costome. QUICKLY USE dragon thunder rapitply and use before he had time to react hop this helps you :)