There are no cheats for toss the turtle. Only a hacker can do that. I wish I could put in cheats or hack the game but I cant. :(
You can play it on BubbleBox.
there is no cheat for block stack. Sheep Bounce- Turnedpinkinthewash, bluesheep and blacksheep. Penpen's Express- freefuelforme, thispenguinjustkeepsongoing, silverlining, goforgold and redredred Turtle Knock- neverrunoutofshots
same way you usually there is no cheat for that kind of thing? just click on the item you wanna toss then go on toss and select how many ya wanna toss
for sheep-bounce the cheats are bluesheep turnedpinkinthewash blacksheep, feedmewords penpens express are freefuelforme redredred goforgold silverling ghost and thispenguinjustkeepsongoing and for turtle knock it is neverrunoutofshots.
there is no cheats there is no cheats
Play hacked game here with all cheats :
there is a special button between blast and co for a few pics to show up on ur screen..........but that's about it.........................................................................sorry.
whats toss
It already has.
You can play it on BubbleBox.
Entering these three cheats will unlock everything you will want: TRUBLEVR, STICKSTUFF, and TURTLE. TRUBLEVR will unlock everything, STICKSTUFF will give you infinite webbing, TURTLE will give you invincibility.
play for three years, and you need to earn 1 million dollars.
In the game "Toss the Turtle," there is no secret button. The objective is to launch the turtle as far as possible using a combination of power-ups and aiming. Success in the game relies on timing, aim, and strategy rather than a hidden button.
toss the turtle, potty racers 2/ pirate launch.
In the game "Toss the Turtle," you can buy the next level by earning enough money through launching the turtle as far as possible and collecting coins along the way. The more distance you cover and the more coins you collect, the more money you will accumulate. Once you have enough money, you can access the next level by clicking on the "Buy Level" button within the game interface.
Oh, dude, getting unlimited money in Toss the Turtle is like finding a golden unicorn in a haystack. You can't really do that without cheating, and cheating is like eating a whole cake by yourself - satisfying at first, but then you feel guilty and bloated. So, just enjoy the game and try to earn money the old-fashioned way - by tossing that poor turtle as far as you can!
The world record for the hit ARMOR GAMES "Toss The Turtle" was done by Nicholas Haugen in June 29, 2008 at only age 10!!!!!! "IT was quite a sight!" his beloved sister Shea Haugen exclaimed. Nick comments "It took me thirteen hours to finish it up at a total of 346,982,894,405,330,200,006,458,999 feet!" I think we all know that Nicholas Haugen is a winner! A weinner too his sister says!