How to get Darkrai
(The Glitching Way)
To get Darkrai you must go to the Battle League or the Elite Four, (We are talking Pokemon Games Diamond and Pearl!) When you go inside the black door, you'll find an elevator. This is normal. Get on the elevator and the elevator will take you up to the door leading to the first person of the Elite Four. The door behind you will close when you face in front of the battler. DON'T TALK TO THE BATTLER! Instead go to the door that closed behind you and face the door. Then use 'Surf'on the door. The door won't open if you press A. To use a Pokemon to surf on the door, go to the settings by pressing the button X. Then go to "Pokemon". You must have a Pokemon that has learned 'Surf'. If your Pokemon don't have surf, the HM Machine is in you back pack. Teach the Pokemon 'Surf'. Now, back to the part where we said about Surf, to make a Pokemon surf on the door, go to "Pokemon" in your settings (Press X) Then click on a Pokemon that has 'Surf'. When you click on the Pokemon, There will be a bar coming up, with the word 'Surf' highlighted blue. Click on surf. It will say: "Are you sure you want to Surf?". Ignore the question and just press A. Then the Pokemon you wanted to surf with will surf on the door and what you will see is that you will be sliced in half, your front half will be on the out side black part, and you other will be still on the Elite Four Floor ground. And you will be riding on the back of your Pokemon, Surfing in a partially wet place. After you've seen this, go press the "Down" button only once. Then you full body will be on the black ground, and you will not be surfing anymore. Now, don't save you game yet! And don't do any thing. Follow the instructions Very carefully and don't bugger up or otherwise you game will glitch and to fix it you will need to tell the game director in Japan and let him fix it for you! Now, Use you Poke'watch on the touch screen until you have the step metre. Reset it. And run at the beginning an slow down at the end because you need to GO TO THE RIGHT 200 STEPS! Then after you are finished with that don't do anything! GO DOWN 256 STEPS! The after that GO 63 STEPS TO THE LEFT! Remember, to count how many steps clearly you have to reset the metre every time you finish taking steps. Now the most risky, but worthy part of the glitch. Go to your Settings (Remember, Press X) and go to your backpack. Go to "Important Goods" or たいせつもの. The go to your "Mining Set" or たいけんせつと. Then keep pressing A until you save (Do not worry, it is part of the glitch and everything will be fine) Then when you go underground, go to Settings (It's still the same, Press X) Then press the option "Quit" Then it will say: "Are you sure you want to quit?" Ignore it and press A. Then you will go back up to the original place you were at. Then... Abracadabra Alakazam! When you go back up there will be an Island. Get on the island and save!! Then go in the Shady entrance, There will be Darkrai. Then when you catch him there will be a boat, get on the boat and sail back home and you game will be out of the glitch!
Note: This Only Works On Japanese Version
The Super Duper Mining Glitch
Go to the city where the last or Eighth Gym is. Then go on the black terrain, where you can walk over things and go on to a separate island. Then go next to that stupid sailor man where he does nothing but walking around. (Note: He is next to a house, on a separate island, and wearing sailor clothes). Then go back on the black terrain, but not too far. You have to go right down onto the railing of the terrain. And where you have to stand is on the position mentioned above, as well as where the terrain and the island ground meet together, or on top of each other together. (You can see the position because the terrain is see through or transparent to the ground). Now, when you are on that position, go to your backpack by pressing the button 'X' then click on backpack by pressing the button 'A'. Then go to the important goods section. When you get there, click on your mining set, the tool to go underground and to find the stupid crystal stuff. If you do not have one, you get it from a house where a old man lives, at Eternal City, or you can say where the Second Gym is. Now, so you click on the mining set by continuously press the button 'A' until you save and then go underground. When you get there, let the game load up the area and background. Until it has done that, then go to settings by pressing 'X'. Then click on 'Quit' by pressing 'A'. Then it will go underground
And to add on, THE SURFING GLITCH: (This is a slightly dangerous glitch. If you save somewhere you can't walk normally, like in the void, your save data might become corrupt. Also, this might not work on some versiolns of the game.)
Go into the 1st member of the elite four's room. From the Pokemon menu, use surf. you can surf outside of the room, and with a few steps, get anywhere you can normally access the underground from like the Shaymin or Darkrai event locations.
Go to the near top of Jublife City, just under the weird sign and lamppost. Get on your bike, shift to gear four, and go down fast but turn just before you hit the lamppost. Really fast, move crazily around the area, and the area will fail to load properly, giving a void that you can enter. Go up to where the big power plant building is, and go right above the door. Save, and restart. Then go down into the power plant building. You will appear on the outside of the power plant, in a void. Move right and keep moving up until JUST after you exit fake faraway cave (you will see the signs). Use the explorer kit. Let it save your game. The kit will report a communication error, and return to the title screen. Start your game again, and you will be in an area where you can take a few thousand steps to the right to enter a fake Sinnoh. Go to where the Shaymin rock would be, and you can cycle right over the water. In the white part (NOT THE BROWN EDGE PART--SAVING THERE RUINS YOUR GAME), save and turn the power off. Turn it back on, and you will be in normal Sinnoh, on the hallway leading to Shaymin. Go up the path, and you will find Shaymin! Congratulations, you have just got the Shaymin without action replay or moving to Japan. However, the flower doesn't work to make Sky Shamin. You need to get that from an event for it to work.
i found a glitch with the girl u help through eterna
okay so you activate AR walk through anything u go through the eterna forest try to walk through trees because she stops moving and falls behind when you reach the end don't go next to the end yet go throught the trees so it doesnt activate dialogue then walk through the trees and get behind the exit and exit that way if you do it right she is always with you in double and wild Pokemon battles and after every battle no matterwith who she heals you (you cant use a bike ecept for on cycling road which you can ride off of and go wherever you want)
EvanWAZhere if you liked this spread it
Also to get Darkrai in pearl/diamond usa u got tocresselias island and usethe walk through anywhere cheat to go right to darkrais island
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all of 'em
You can find Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl in most stores that sell electronics. I personally got mine at Best Buy.=Hope this helps!=
action replay is best
Pokemon sapphire for starters but on the main Pokemon Diamond and pearl Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky is.
undergruond mineing in walls