Well, in Poke'mon pearl and diamond, Cyrus has Four Poke'mon (srry if you hate spoils): A Gyarados, a Golbat, a Honchcrow, and either a weavile or a Sneasel. I can't remember. I'd use a fighting type Poke'mon, such as Medicham (Or others, depending on taste) to take out the Weavile. for the others, Use a fast electric-type to take them out. I used luxray and Medicham on his Poke'mon. Make sure they're at decent level in the 40's or something, and buy plenty of revives, super potions, and hyper potions for that battle, 'cause it's not gonna be easy.
Well, it wasn't for me, at least. It might also be considerable to bring a rock type or a steel type, just in case. Like Onix or Steelix. I had a Madicham, an Alakazam, a Luxray, Prinplup (It hadn't evoled into empoleon yet -_-'), Onix, and Staravia. It might as well be a team of recommendation. I've been playing these games for a long time. I don't have Poke'mon Platinum, but I'm pretty sure Cyrus has the same poke'mon in that one. I hope this is a good enough answer.
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how do you fight cyrus in pokemon soul silver
yes your rival will heal your Pokemon before you fight Cyrus.
If you are looking to complete your Pokedex, then you shouldn't worry, because you will fight Cyrus in the Distortion World, And he will have a weavile.
i beat Cyrus with a torterralv50 houndoomlv45 haunterlv49 crobatv49 gyaradoslv43 and a lucario lv50
water works for me