If you are looking to complete your Pokedex, then you shouldn't worry, because you will fight Cyrus in the Distortion World, And he will have a weavile.
the gym leader Candice has a weavile.
Probably Weavile, Glaceon, or Mamoswine.
The trainer on Route 209 has Cleffa in Pokemon Platinum. Cleffa is a fairy type Pokemon and can evolve into Clefairy.
the trainer by that place, you know ? :)
the gym leader Candice has a weavile.
The next Pokemon after weavile is magnezone in the national dex
There is no weavile. The pokedex cannot accept that poke. Any way, weavile is in diamond or pearl or platinum.....
Sorry but there isn't a trainer with a bagon in platinum.
no one no trainer has a kingdra in Pokemon platinum exept for me :P
get a razor claw and a sneasel and level up
weavile crobat honchkrow and gyarados in D/P Platinum=weavile houndoom crobat gyarados honchkrow(maybe)
Probably Weavile, Glaceon, or Mamoswine.
The trainer on Route 209 has Cleffa in Pokemon Platinum. Cleffa is a fairy type Pokemon and can evolve into Clefairy.
A Trainer on route 220
the trainer by that place, you know ? :)
)=)=)=) ==