They can be found at a couple of sites. One link below has puzzles from the show by date. The second link requires you to go to the last page and search for the Sony reward points items.
(see also related question)
Depends on the date
Up for Grabs is the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for Monday, November 7 2011
see related question
Wheel of fortune does not provide contestant information
Go to the Wheel of Fortune site
Power Outage was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for December 10 2012
Home Office was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for April 11 2013
Voice Your Opinion was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for March 25 2013
We Heard You
For Wheel of Fortune see related question
Depends on the date
Mahogany Finish
Up for Grabs is the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for Monday, November 7 2011
Rough surface
tv judge
The Object of the Game
The answers are provided by day and by month.To see a certain day's answer, the question is:"What was the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle for (add your date)?"To see all answers to date for a given month, the question is:"What were the (month) (year) Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzles?"*see the related month link below