Lugia, Suicune, Raikou, Entei and Ho-oh are the only ones you can get it in-game. You could get Celebi if you were able to get the event for it back then or you could use a cheating device in order to get it.
Try using the pokemon gameshark code for rare candies: 01xx86d8 and replace the xx with 20 for rare candies.
They can be found in the dark cave but they are rare.
You'll need to fish on Route 44; it is rare to find.
To get a shiny Dratini in Pokemon Crystal you need to find one in the wild or hatch one. This is extremely rare though with a 1 in 8192 chance of the wild or hatched Dratini being a shiny. There is no way in Pokemon Crystal to improve these odds.
The last answer doesnt work. And Pokemon yellow,red,and blue are not like Pokemon Gold,Silver, and Crystal. Trust me i havem all. The rare candy codfe is: 18790006467
yes they are preety rare in crystal they are really rare in gold and silver
Yes it is quite rare
get rare Pokemon and beat him with them!
Route 14, however, it is rare.
its just a rare Pokemon also its gyarados
Try using the pokemon gameshark code for rare candies: 01xx86d8 and replace the xx with 20 for rare candies.
No there is not who told you that? why did you believe them
they are rare in headbutt trees
They can be found in the dark cave but they are rare.
In Pokemon crystall Bill is the guy who makes the PC system and also likes rare Pokemon
Nothing... other than rare Pokemon like Larvitar (or Pupitar in Crystal)