I use a Zigzagoon the higher the lv the better items it will pick up.
The "Pickup" ability in Pokemon Pearl is similar, if not identical to the Pickup ability from 3rd Gen (i.e. Ruby and Sapphire, the first Pokemon games to see the introduction of natures and abilities). Basically, with the Pickup ability, a Pokemon has a 10% chance of picking up an item after battle, be it trainer or wild. The Pokemon doesn't have to participate for its ability to be activated, and will pick up items no matter what slot it is in your party. However, this ability does not work if the Pokemon with the ability is already holding an item. The items obtained by the Pokemon largely depends on the level, and partly depends on luck. The higher the level, the rarer and more useful an item the Pokemon is more likely to pick up. Certian sites have lists of the items you can get, and the level required. Check out www.serebii.net - in Pokemon Mechanics there is a list of just such a thing. Hope this helped! - Siobhan
Meoth, Munchlax
Go to the pokemart ( Velistone and the Pokemon League should have a supply of dusk balls, otherwise you may come across them by having a Pokemon with the ability "PICKUP" or finding items using the dowsing app on the Pokewatch.
dude, a ZIGZAGOON! almost everybody knows.
pickup ability or BP
You need a high level pokemon with the ability pickup Pachiritsu would be your best pokemon
Well, it's useful if you have a Pokemon like zigzagoon or linoon with the ability pickup. :)
In Pokémon Pearl, you cannot find the move of Pickup because it's not an existing move however Pickup is an existing ability which Pokémon such as Meowth, Aipom, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Zigzagoon, Munchlax and Pachirisu are capable of knowing of. Linoone can also have the Pickup ability.
The "Pickup" ability in Pokemon Pearl is similar, if not identical to the Pickup ability from 3rd Gen (i.e. Ruby and Sapphire, the first Pokemon games to see the introduction of natures and abilities). Basically, with the Pickup ability, a Pokemon has a 10% chance of picking up an item after battle, be it trainer or wild. The Pokemon doesn't have to participate for its ability to be activated, and will pick up items no matter what slot it is in your party. However, this ability does not work if the Pokemon with the ability is already holding an item. The items obtained by the Pokemon largely depends on the level, and partly depends on luck. The higher the level, the rarer and more useful an item the Pokemon is more likely to pick up. Certian sites have lists of the items you can get, and the level required. Check out www.serebii.net - in Pokemon Mechanics there is a list of just such a thing. Hope this helped! - Siobhan
Pickup is an ability, which means if it doesn't have the ability, it will never obtain it and you have to catch another pokemon.
Pickup is an ability and not a move only some pokemon can have this ability some examples are Phanphy, Zigzagoon and Linoone.
Slugma, Marcargo, and Camerupt have the ability Magma Armor in Pokemon Pearl.
Meoth, Munchlax
First of all, pickup is not a move; it is an ability. Ten pokemon in all can have this abilityMeowthAipomTeddiursaPhanpyZigzagoonLinoonePachirisuAmbipomMunchlaxLillipup
Go to the pokemart ( Velistone and the Pokemon League should have a supply of dusk balls, otherwise you may come across them by having a Pokemon with the ability "PICKUP" or finding items using the dowsing app on the Pokewatch.