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The Pokémon Egg Groups are the egg groups that tell the game whether there's a compatibility match between two Pokémon in order to allow them to breed or not, the groups are Monster, Water 1, Water 2, Water 3, Bug, Flying, Field also known as Ground, Fairy, Grass, Human-Like, Mineral, Amorphous, Dragon, Undiscovered, Gender Unknown and also there's the exclusive group that is for Ditto only in order to prevent Ditto from breeding with itself in order to create additional Ditto.

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Q: What are the Pokemon egg groups?
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How do you get a whismur egg?

Leave a Whismur, Loudred or Exploud in the day-care with a Ditto or any Pokemon in the Monster or Ground Egg Groups. See the related links for a list of Pokemon in these egg groups.

Pokemon Black and White egg groups?

Normal egg groups, same as Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.

What are the Pokemon egg groups for Pokemon white?

it is so you don't have to have two of one cirtain Pokemon to breed them. only two in the same egg group

What Pokemon can you get from an egg and how on Pokemon Platinum?

The answer to this varies. For example, if you have a Ditto and a Pikachu in the day-care, you will eventually get a Pichu. Much like other Pokemon games in the past, there is a day-care center in a specific town (in the Sinnoh region, it is called Solaceon Town). If you put two Pokemon in the same egg group* together in the day-care, the old man outside of the day-care will turn to the side. When you talk to him, he will say that your Pokemon laid an egg. When you have an empty slot in your party, you can then carry your egg. For the egg to hatch, you must travel a certain amount of steps (varied by the different Pokemon). Eventually, you will suddenly stop, and a chat box will open up, saying, "... Oh?" and your egg will hatch. *Egg groups are groups in which certain Pokemon can breed with each other. Ditto can breed with any other Pokemon. However, most Pokemon are in specific egg groups. Legendaries can not breed. Link to egg groups:

Can you breed a nidoking?

You can breed a Nidoking with another Pokemon in the Pokemon games. Any female Pokemon from the Monster or Field egg groups is able to breed with Nidoking.

Related questions

What does it mean the same egg group in Pokemon?

Egg groups indicate which Pokemon can breed with which. One Pokemon can be in several different egg groups, and some are in no egg groups at all because they cannot breed (legendary Pokemon, for example). If you want to breed your Pokemon, first look up what egg group(s) it is in, and then what other Pokemon are in the same group(s).

What is the same egg group in platinum?

Egg Groups in Pokemon Platinum and all other Pokemon games are what determines what Pokemon can breed. For example a male Shinx can breed with a female Ziggagoon cause they are both in the same Egg Group which is Field. Some Pokemon can be in up to two Egg Groups for example Ekans is in the Field and Dragon Egg Groups.

What are egg groups and which Pokemon are in them in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There are so many Pokemon and egg groups it would be hard to name them all. Just go to

How do you get a whismur egg?

Leave a Whismur, Loudred or Exploud in the day-care with a Ditto or any Pokemon in the Monster or Ground Egg Groups. See the related links for a list of Pokemon in these egg groups.

Where can you get a egg in Pokemon black?

Get two Pokemon of the same egg group (check for egg groups) and opposite gender then put them in the Pokemon daycare on route three.

Pokemon Black and White egg groups?

Normal egg groups, same as Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver.

What are the Pokemon egg groups for Pokemon white?

it is so you don't have to have two of one cirtain Pokemon to breed them. only two in the same egg group

What is a egg group in SoulSilver?

An egg group is the element group an egg belongs to. For example, if my egg had a Ponyta in it, the egg would belong to the fire egg group, because Ponyta is a fire Pokemon. Or, if my egg had a Squirtle in it, my egg would belong to the water egg group, because Squirtle is a water Pokemon. Not exactly i don't know all the egg groups but it goes for every Pokemon game since jhoto.theres a monster egg group, water 1, wateer 2, fairy, and human like, all kinds the only way you can know them all is if you get the complete pokedex book. i would wait until black and white comes out then get that one.

What Pokemon can you get from an egg and how on Pokemon Platinum?

The answer to this varies. For example, if you have a Ditto and a Pikachu in the day-care, you will eventually get a Pichu. Much like other Pokemon games in the past, there is a day-care center in a specific town (in the Sinnoh region, it is called Solaceon Town). If you put two Pokemon in the same egg group* together in the day-care, the old man outside of the day-care will turn to the side. When you talk to him, he will say that your Pokemon laid an egg. When you have an empty slot in your party, you can then carry your egg. For the egg to hatch, you must travel a certain amount of steps (varied by the different Pokemon). Eventually, you will suddenly stop, and a chat box will open up, saying, "... Oh?" and your egg will hatch. *Egg groups are groups in which certain Pokemon can breed with each other. Ditto can breed with any other Pokemon. However, most Pokemon are in specific egg groups. Legendaries can not breed. Link to egg groups:

Will a marill and a tentacool have a egg on Pokemon emerald?

No, Marill and Tentacool will be unable to breed in order for the female to have a Pokémon Egg since both Tentacool and Marill are in different Egg Groups. Tentacool is in the Water 3 Egg Group while Marill is in 2 Egg Groups which are the Water 1 and Fairy groups.

Can you breed a nidoking?

You can breed a Nidoking with another Pokemon in the Pokemon games. Any female Pokemon from the Monster or Field egg groups is able to breed with Nidoking.

Can fire type Pokemon breed with other fire types?

Most of the time, yes. Breeding compatibility is controlled by egg groups. If two pokemon are in the same egg group, they are compatible to breed. Many fire type pokemon belong to the same egg group as other fire pokemon, but not all.