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YOU CAN'T, you have to get the game in Tokyo/Japan in order to make the words on pokemon heartgold be japaneze. If you get it in a English state, it will be English!

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Q: What are the Japanese names for the characters of Pokemon HeartGold?
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By main characters, I think you mean the player characters. If so, yes, they have names. The boy is named Hilbert, and the girl is named Hilda. Their Japanese names are similar as well. The boy's is Touya, and the girl's is Touko.

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It may just be a glitch in your game. You can return it as a defective game if you wish. All of the names should be in English.

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What, like this? "キングダム ハーツ" Or are you looking for the names of characters in the game?

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The starters of HeartGold will be the same as Pokemon Gold and Silver which were Chikorita (Grass), Cyndaquil (Fire) and Totodile (Water).

Is there ever going to be another Pokemon version game after Pokemon Platinum?

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