no you can't because you either need the Chinese or Japanese version of the game and then in that case you give them their names like that or just trade over WI-FI it's possible that you could get it like that
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
no you don't give pokemon
There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.
could someone give me an action replay code for a zekrom (not shiny) for soulsilver. it has to work please could someone give me that code that i asked for. oh it has to be for the north American game or (us) whatever it is it has to be for soulsilver and for the north American version Zekrom was made after making Pokemon soul silver.
You can't give your Pokémon a haircut in Sapphire.
Pokemon brothers
Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.
Hisako Noriko Mariko Yuriko Akiko these are just a few!
I Dont Think There Is One
Not likely. D/P came out reletively, recently.
no you don't give pokemon
The respective items and event Pokémon are indeed programmed into the game but even in the Japanese version Nintendo has to give the event items out.
There is no grunt that you can give a Pokemon to in Pokemon platinum.
Such a name does not exist. Most Japanese names contain auspicious meanings, or refer to elements of nature. It would be silly and unthinkable to name your child "traitor." As such, there is no name with this meaning. However, "uragirimono" is the Japanese word for "traitor."
go downstairs in the Pokemon center and a lady will direct you to her and she will give you a pal pad open it and it will have a icon that's says your names code
Bibarel is a Pokemon, not a hold item. You don't give Pokemon to other Pokemon.
give the item to a Pokemon and then trade that Pokemon.