GIFTISLAND23 - Dustbin Beaver Poster
to get dustbin beaver plant the trashy tulip and any 2 other seeds
get the beaver to have full trust with you, and it will build the dam by itself.
You need a code from moshi monster's magazine. You'll get the code for Dustbin Beaver.
GIFTISLAND23 - Dustbin Beaver Poster
Yes Benjamin Franklin invented ciphers and codes
Silent Magician is CAST, Beaver Warrior hasn't happened yet...
to get the dustbin beaver poster you have to go to the login and type in where it says secret codes the secret code is:giftisland23
Yes, there are codes for Blingo, Dustbin Beaver, and Nipper but you have to purchase specific items to get their codes.
yes there are CODES for Moshi Monsters.This one will give you 1000 rox. It worked for ME!moshidosh392TRY IT! IT WORKS!!
yes you can blingo, dustbin beaver. etc. like that sort
Subscribe to a moshi magazine and you should get a code to get a Trashy Tulip. Use the code then plant the Trashy Tulip with two other random plants and you will get Dustbin Beaver
There are like Roxy and Dustbin beaver and Blingo and Niper.
beaver 1 beaver all lets all do the beaver crawl beaver 2 beaver 3 lets all climb the beaver tree beaver 4 beaver 5 lets all do the beaver jive beaver 6 beaver 7 let all go to beaver heaven beaver 8 beaver 9 STOP its beaver time
The difference between humans habitat and beaver s habitat is that humans can be humans and habitat can also be their habitats and also beavear s always be themselves at the beaver s of course .i mean come on let s have a little fun even though we are stuggling with our lesson here come on.By CARMA NIOLA BENJAMIN
Code is on YouTube write In moshi monster codes and click a movie there are plenty of them and it can be used