By Demetrius seifert aka dj
i know a 999 rare candy cheat code and the code works because i tried it and used it over and over and a bunch of times heres the code
rare candy action replay code
94000130 FCFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
00000DAC 03E70032
D2000000 00000000
well i have a awnser to help get a good emulator with no lag and Pokemon pearl (getting a good emulator) get a good emulator at ideas and serch it up and to get no lag while playing a game go to options and go to incress CPU speed and go to 150x save it go bak in and no lag. (getting Pokemon pearl) go to serch up Pokemon pearl and press download then save and w8 for about 1-3 mins and go to the game
emerald is only for gba so you can tenable them for other systems
First run the NO$GBA emulator then open up your firered ROM then on the top is your toolbar click on Utility then click on Cheats click on Add New Cheat then on any cheat website copy and past the cheat code you want paste it then choose which kind of cheat is it (gameshark, action replay, etc) then click ok and ok again.
I have created an upload for you. In it will be the emulator and a zoomer. The zoomer makes the screen bigger.
No you can not. You only can trade Pokemon using gba game on no$gba with link staff.
I think theres no nogba codes for that but there are ruby and safire nogba cheats
Well yes there is a way but I don't think your GBA supports Pokemon Platinum (or PP)
well i have a awnser to help get a good emulator with no lag and Pokemon pearl (getting a good emulator) get a good emulator at ideas and serch it up and to get no lag while playing a game go to options and go to incress CPU speed and go to 150x save it go bak in and no lag. (getting Pokemon pearl) go to serch up Pokemon pearl and press download then save and w8 for about 1-3 mins and go to the game
Because you can't
you don't
cos they are not ready for it
Yes, have cheats for Pokemon diamond on nogba. Download the copy of cheat code editor in this site WWW.R4DS.COM and go to open cheat database, and open a program called 'urscheat', then have millions of games for ds and go to a "+" in right of Pokemon diamond.