words with the prefix il: * illegal * illicit * illegible * illiterate * illegitimate * illogical * illustrious * illuminate * ill-served * ill-times * ill-starred * ill-suited * illusion * ill will * illustrate * illusory * illness * ill-treat * illustrator
There are words that Begin with the prefix tri- like: Triangle, Tripod, Tricycle, and Triceratops
unfit & unable
Archetypal, archeology
Polysaccharides, polygon, polytheism.
Illuminate and illogical start with the prefix "il-"
illegible illegal illogical illegimate illicit
il prefix words: illegal, illegible, illiterate, illogical,illuminate, illustrate.illegitimateillustriousilluminant, illuminationillnessillusionillumineillusoryilliberalilliquidillicitThese all mean "not". (Not logical = illogical)
il-literate (illiterate)
Words with the prefix ag:AgricultureAgeAghastAgentAgonizeAglowAgileAgapes
Yes, there are words with the prefix "or." For example, "order," "organize," and "oracle" are some common words that contain the prefix "or."
Some words with the prefix "mas" include mass, master, and mascara.
Some words with 'dis' prefix are:disasterdisbursediscarddisdaindiseasedisfavordisgustdisheartendisintegratedisjointeddislikedismaydisorganizeddisplaydisquietdisruptdissectdisturbdisuseddisyllabic
Some words with the prefix 'en' are:enableenamoredencapsulateenchantencyclopediaencodeendureenergyengageenhanceenigmaenjoinenjoyenlargeenlightenennobleenrollensembleensureenterpriseentertainentityentourageentranceenunciateenvelope
Some prefixes that are forms of the prefix "in" include: ir-, il-, im-.
Some words that have the prefix 'vit' are:vitalvitalisevitalityvitaminvitreousvitriolvitriolicvitaevittlesvituperate
Some words with te prefix "by" are bylane, byebee, bye, byte, and bypass.