Some words that have two Vs are:conservativeconvivialconvulsivederivativeevocativeevolveinvectiveinventiveinvolveoverachieveroveractiveoverdriveoverviewpervasivereviverevolverevolversavvyskivviessubversivesurvivevalvevaudevillevivavivaciousvotivevulva
Some words that have 2 Ys in them are:anonymityanybodyanywayasymmetryboysenberrybuoyancybusybodybyplaybywaycrybabycryptographycytologyday lilydilly dallydynastydysenteryetymologyeverybodyeverydayflybyflywaygypsyhokey pokeyholy dayhyperactivityhypocrisyichthyologyidiosyncrasylayawayloyaltymisogynymysterymystifymythologynaysayerodysseypaydayplayboypolygamypolypropylenepolystyrenepsychiatrypsychologypygmyroyaltysymmetrysympathysynonymsyrupytypifytypographytyrannywaylayyearlyyeastyyesterdayyesteryearyuckyyummyzymurgy
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern AG--M-NS. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter A and 2nd letter G and 5th letter M and 7th letter N and 8th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: agnomens agremens
Some words that have two Vs are:aversivebivalveconservativeconvivialconvulsivederivativedivisiveevasiveevocativeevolveinnovativeinvasiveinventiveinvolveoverachieveroverdriveoverprotectiveovervaluepervasivereviverevolverevolversavvysubversivesurvivalsurvivorvalvevaudevillevegetativevelvetvindictivevivaciousvividvoiceovervotive
It is a Hypotonic solution that is 1/2 of the normal isotonic 0.9% NS. NS stands for Normal Saline. 0.45% NS pulls water out of the blood and puts it into your cells.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours and 2 minutes.
All words should be capitalized in a title except the articles (a, a n, the), prepositio ns ( of, o n, i n,...) a nd co nju nctio ns (a nd,...).
Yes, all words are capitalized in a title except prepositio ns, articles, a nd co nju n ctio ns.
Equivalent fractio n mea ns that the fractio ns have the same value. Example: 1/2 is equivale nt to 2/4
There are about 9.778 miles between Halifax, NS and Sackville NS.
Yes. All words are capitalized in a title except the prepositio ns, co nju nctio ns a nd articles. Example: Movi ng Forward
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -I---NS-. That is, eight letter words with 2nd letter I and 6th letter N and 7th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: dispense missense
The distance between Birchtown, Shelburne, NS and Halifax, NS is 215km and will take about 2 hours 30 Minutes to drive. The distance between Birchtown, Guysborough, NS and Halifax, NS is 275km and will take about 3 hours 4 Minutes to drive.
10 ns RAM is faster than 60 ns RAM.
Liverpool NS to Windsor NS is a minimum distance of 133 kilometers, or about 1 and 1/2 hours driving time.