The word "morale" becomes the adjective "moral" meaning virtuous or honorable. The word "morals" refers to principles or standards of behavior.
erasersa school thing that starts with e is e-school e-school is a word
Some five letter words that end with E are:agilebravecravedriveeludefrozegraveheaveinurejuiceknifelousemousenooseobeseprosequiterousescarethoseunclevaluewhilexenonyou'reZaire
Some examples of a five-letter word ending with 'e' with the second letter of 'u' is"pulsebulgecurvepurge
drop, bore, to, be... no word contains all of these letters.
slime is a word where you can add y because to make slimy drop the e and add y to make it slimy
When adding a suffix to the word "continue," the correct rule is to drop the final "e" before adding the suffix.
It means do not use the letter 'e' in whatever word you are putting it in.
Drop the v and the first e.
You look at the word and see if it got a suffix
The word is spelled moving. Words that end in e, drop the e before adding ing.
danced, hoped, closed, typed, opened, pulled, tied.
Some examples of words that drop the "e" and add "ous" to form their adjectival form include: Pain β Painous Courage β Courageous Advantage β Advantageous
Basic rule is you don't drop the e. Here is an example. love, lovely rare, rarely
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