I'm sorry but there are none... there are SOME but they have all been used.
Even if someone posts one, some else will use it more earlier than you and you will get a error that says " This card has been used " or whatever, i feel the same way, i really want a wizard101membership.
login to the homepage at wizard101.com and click on my accounts and then click on update memberships OR go on to wizard101.com/card login and type in the code(if you have a gift card)
So, you stole the card from 7 Eleven, eh? Sorry if I'm saying the wrong thing. A wizard101 gift card can only be redeemed after the clerk you purchased from activates it himself. If you stole the card or secretly copied the code on your hand then it's not gonna work because it isn't activated.
no one is going to give you the code you know go buy your own gift card
Sorry to say but I don't think anyone will want to waste 20 dollars just to give the code to a random person on the Internet they don't know. Gift card codes are one-time use only for each, so if you want a code that is working then you need to ask someone to buy one and tell you what it is.
It really depends on where you live. Some places have giftcards that are $10, $20, and $39 but it's different in other areas.
It is illegal to give out a iTunes gift card codes; to get these codes you must purchase an iTunes gift card.
At the store
To get the codes you must buy a Wizard101 card which you can find in various stores. If you would like to see the stores I suggest going on the wizard101 website.
iTunes gift card codes are not available unless bought or earned. You can take surveys from websites such as "Points2Shop", "Mpoints", "Swagbucks," to earn gift card codes.
WikiAnswers will not provide gift card codes for online games, to get a gift card code you should buy one.
You Go To wizard101.com, then you login, and click redeem code or gift card.
You can't, because if you want to have a valid wizard101 gift card code you will either have to buy one yourself or ask someone to buy it for you, because the gift card codes are one-time use only for each card, so if one card is purchased and used, the code will be useless.
You can only use the club penguin cards and codes once
You get the code when you buy the card from the store; after the store clerk registers it, just bring it home, take a knife and scratch away the black film, and scan in the code to your wizard101 account.
It's the code you enter in wizard101 to activate the gift card; you just make sure the store clerk activates it (a little security defense to prevent people from stealing codes) and scratch the black film away with a knife to reveal the code.
Buy the gift card at Target