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I use cheats for my sim health so they don't complicate certain things...

like if a burglar is breaking in and they have to sleep.. I just drag the mood up.

here are some cheats:

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true


aspirationlevel 5

and to open the cheat bar:

ctrl+alt+shift or something in that order!

Actually, in order to open the cheat bar, you have to do ctrl+shft+c

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Q: What are some tips for sims 2?
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mod the sims 2 has some great stuff, and the sims 2 website also has a ton of things you can download for your sims.

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Mod the sim TSR The sims Liana sims 2

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Well, obviously Sims, Sims 2 and Sims 3, but the not so obvious ones are Sims City (which is rubbish in my opinion) and mysims.

Can you free roam on The Sims 2?

You can not free roam on the sims 2. Well you have to be on a lot like a house or some kind of property but you may roam on the sims 3 where ever you want unlike the sims 2.

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sims 2 ( and all the sims 2 expansoin packs!). ( you must have sims 2 loaded or expansoin pacs wont work! (same with sims sims3!) sims 3!. sims 3 world adventures HAPPY SIMMING=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

What are some other sims games?

Sims 1, Sims 2, Sims 3, My Sims, My Sims Kingdom, Sim Animals, The Sims Bustin' Out, The Urbz Sims in the City. That's all I can think of at the moment.

What are the sims games you can get on Playstation 2?

The Sims, The Sims 2, The Sims Bustin' Out, The Sims 2 Castaway, The Sims 2 Pets, and Urbz Sims in the City,

With sims 3 can you have sims 2 pets?

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