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Q: What are some things from the deciduous forest that start with A-Z?
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Related questions

What are some unique things about temprate Deciduous forest?

that the tempertures can get to be vary High

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there

What are the deciduous forest consumers?

some consumers in the deciduous forest are: - bird - monkey - mushroom

What are some dangerous animals in the deciduous forest?

One of the most dangerous animal in the deciduous forest is the black bear.

What are some threats of the deciduous forest?


What are some abiotic factors found in the deciduous forest?

Some abiotic factors found in the deciduous forest include temperature, sunlight, soil type, and precipitation levels. These factors play a critical role in shaping the ecosystem and influencing the types of plant and animal life that can thrive in the deciduous forest environment.

What are some bodies of water in a Deciduous forest?


What kind of trees grow in the deciduous forest?

A variety of trees grow in a deciduous forest. Some of which are beech, maple and oak. I hope I helped you!

What are some threats to the temperate deciduous forest?

There are a great many threats to the temperate deciduous forest. Deforestation and clearing for farming are major threats.

What is the human population in the deciduous forest?

Deciduous forests have trees that shed leaves each year during the fall season. The number of people who live in them is variable depending on the area where the forest is.

What are some habitats in the Deciduous forest Biome?

chuck norris

What are some examples of herbivores that live in the deciduous forest?
