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I know some signs myself. There are other ways to find out such as you tube videos.

Here are some:

Carved out caves, unfinished stairs, red stone torches, small carved out pathways, chests with TNT that say DIE, chicken in your house, animals with all white eyes, broken windows, TNT pressure plate traps, lava appearing, torches coming on and off the walls, signs on the floor, pathways getting blocked up, (wow this is a lot more than i really know) bricks that you place disappear, (not in the "you stand close disappear" way) lit up nether rock in the real world, Herobrine spawners already lit almost all over the map, signs that are posted in front the spawner and\or in or on your house, glass paths, (seriously more than what i really know) hideouts made with glass, lava and nether rock, and herobrine faces made out of wool and maybe wood.

Watch out for these signs! Hope this helps a lot!

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Q: What are some signs of herobrine in minecraft?
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