Some regular verb examples that begin with D are dance, dare, debate, declare, delay, deliver, deter, dial and direct.
Some other examples are divide, divorce, dote, drag, dress, drop, dry and dye.
Some verbs that begin with the letter J are:jabjabberjackjeerjeopardizejestjerkjoinjokejourneyjoustjudgeJumpjunk
x-ray (verb), xenophobically (adverb)
Some verbs beginning with K:keepkeptkeykickkickingkid (as in joke)killkillingkindlekinkkipkisskissingkneadkneekneelknellingknewknifeknitknockknotknowknucklekowtowkype (slang)Kick, kiss, to name a few. There aren't that many things you can do.Verbs that start with the letter k:keepkeptkibitzkickkidnapkillkindlekisskneelknewknitknockknotknow
Some street names that begin with the letter J:JackrabbitJacksonJacquelynJadeJamaicaJamesJamestownJanuaryJasmineJasperJavaJayJeffersonJenniferJeffreyJenkinsJerichoJeromeJerseyJessieJewelJewettJoanneJohnJohnsonJollyJonesJordanJosephJosephineJoyJoyceJuarezJubileeJudgeJudithJuliaJunctionJuniperJupiter
Some regular verbs that begin with the letter V are vacuum, vanish and venture.Some more examples are visit, volunteer, vote and vouch.
Identify, ignore, impress and improve are some examples of regular verbs that begin with ISome more examples for you are increase, infuse, inspect, instruct, introduce, invent and itch.
A couple of regular verbs beginning with Z are zeroed and zigzag.Some more are zip, zone and zoom.
Some regular verbs that start with N are nag, nail and nap.Some others are nest, nod, note and number.
Some verbs that begin with the letter J are:jabjabberjackjeerjeopardizejestjerkjoinjokejourneyjoustjudgeJumpjunk
Kick, kill and kiss are three examples of regular verbs starting with K.Knock and knot are two more examples.
Wait, walk, warm, wash and wave are some regular verbs that begin with W.Some more are weigh, whine, whisper, wink, wish, work, worry, wrestle and wriggle.
Some examples of regular verbs begiining with O are obey, observe obtain and offend.Some more examples are offer, open, operate and owe.
Maintain, manage and march are three examples of regular verbs that begin with M.To give you some more, there is also mark, marry, measure, mention, mine, moan, move, murder and mutter.
Some verbs that begin with the letter i:identifyillustrateimplementimproveimproviseinduceinfiltrateinfluenceinforminitiateinjectinjureinlayinnovateinsinuateinspectinspireinstallinstigateinstituteinstructintegrateinterfereinterrogateinterpretinterruptinterviewintroduceinventinventoryinvestigateinviteirritateitch
Some regular verbs beginning with L are label, laugh, lecture, lick and lift.Some more examples are lift, lighten, listen, lock, look and lower.
Some verbs beginning with W:WaddleWadeWakeWalkWatchWeaveWelcomeWhimperWhisperWieldWiggleWinkWinWonderedWonWounded