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Q: What are some verbs and adjectives that begin with the letter X?
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Verbs that begin with the letter J?

Some verbs that begin with the letter J are:jabjabberjackjeerjeopardizejestjerkjoinjokejourneyjoustjudgeJumpjunk

What are some adjectives that describe an ant and begin with the letter A?

Verbs are not describing words. Verbs are words for being or doing.Adjectives are the words that describe nouns; the word ant is a noun.Some adjectives that might describe an ant are:tinystrongsix-leggedhard workingblackbrownreddefensive

What verbs start with the letter i?

Some verbs that begin with the letter i:identifyillustrateimplementimproveimproviseinduceinfiltrateinfluenceinforminitiateinjectinjureinlayinnovateinsinuateinspectinspireinstallinstigateinstituteinstructintegrateinterfereinterrogateinterpretinterruptinterviewintroduceinventinventoryinvestigateinviteirritateitch

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Some verbs beginning with W:WaddleWadeWakeWalkWatchWeaveWelcomeWhimperWhisperWieldWiggleWinkWinWonderedWonWounded

What are some verbs that begin with the letter J?

Some verbs beginning with J:jabjabberjackjailjamjanglejarjawjaywalkjeerjeopardizejerkjestjetjigglejiltjimmyjinglejitterjivejogjoinjokejoltjostlejotjoustjudgejugglejumpjunkjunkjustifyjutjuxtapose

What are some adjectives that begin with the letter K that mean to be thankful?

There are no adjectives that begin with the letter k that mean to be thankful.

What are some sdjectives that begin with the letter G?

Some adjectives that begin with letter G are:gabbygarrulousgauchegauntgaygenerousgentlegiantgiftedgildedgingerglamorousgloomygoldgooeygoofygorgeousgranitegratefulgreedygreengreygrimgrowngrumpyguiltygulliblegustygutsygypsum

What are some adjectives that describe a shark and begin with the letter N?

Some adjectives that describe a shark and begin with the letter N include: - Nasty - Naughty

What are some adjictives that begin with the letter U?

adjectives that begin with the letter U areuglyunctuousunderratedundiplomaticunbelievableunstoppableurgentusefuluselessuncomfortableUltraUltraconservativeUltramarineUltramodernUmberUmbilicalUnitedUniversalUnjustUnkindUnknowingUnknownUnlawfulUnlikeUnlikelyUnluckyUnlimited

Which verbs begin with the letter S?

Some verbs that begin with the letter S are:samplesandsapsasssavesavorsawsayscalescoldscoopscorescourscrewseeseeksellsendserveseversewshareshearshipshootshoreshoveshowshowershrinksignalsingsingesighsightsiresitskewskipskirtslaughtersleepsliceslideslipslitslopslopesmilesmellsmokesmoothsmotesnowsobsoothesortsowspearspellspikespillspinspitsplitsplurgespoilspoonstabstampstandstaplestarstarestealsteerstepstewstingstitchstokestompstoopstopstorestormstrikestripstripestrokestumblesuesurfsurgeswallowswampswapswearswellswingswipeswitch

What are some Adjectives Verbs Nouns and Adverbs that begin with the letter b?

Adjectives: · bashful · basic · batty · bawdy · bazaar Verbs: · bite · bleach · bleed · bless · blind Nouns: · bamboo · banana · band · bandage · bandana Adverbs: · bloodily · bluntly · boastfully · bodily · boldly

What are some adjectives that begin with the letter qu?
