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There is a code panther that gives you a mount and to win some codes go to the link below in related links!

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Q: What are some pet codes for wizard101?
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What are some codes to get crowns in Wizard101?

i donno.

What is the code for hydra for wizard101?

There aren't codes like that that can get someone a hydra pet or spell, even a noob can then get a level 50 pet.

Cheat code for earthwalker in wizard101?

Hehe no there are no cheat codes for that. You need to buy the Earthwalker pet from the pet shop with crowns to get the Earthwalker spell.

What are all the new wizard101 cheat codes?

frog 500 gold summerdragon free dragon pet

What tipe of codes can give you a hydra pet on wizard101?

there are no codes for it, you have to be a master balance at level 48, after the mission, you get with the level 48 balance card.

What is the 2012 code for a hydra in wizard101?

Well, just so you know. There is no codes for a Hydra pet in Wizard101. You either have to hatch one or get it from the level 48 quest for balance.

What are the cheat codes for wizard101?

There are a wide variety of cheat codes that exist for the game Wizard101. These include entering in 74847-19125-65912-68821 for free crowns and 6979D-3L8W5-39PLM-4L82Q for a free tiger pet.

What are some wizard101 cheat codes?

Summer Dragon= A summer dragon pet Spell= random item land= house item frog=500gold Get their magazines to learn more.

What are some pet games?

Well here are some games: Neopets PetPetPark Wizard101

Where can you train your pet in wizard101?


Is there a gold code on wizard101 that is not frog?

Nope, "Frog" is the only code existing from the creation of Wizard101 to now. Anyways, even if some more codes exist, they would have long ago expired, Wizard101 cleaned their game of all existing codes.

Is there a cheat code for gold for wizard101?

Actual cheating is against the rules of Wizard101. But there are some codes that you get, usually by buying a card, that can give you gold.