

Best Answer

Depakote (only nerve pain though)






Duloxetine (nerve pain again)

Durogesic (branded fentanyl)
Difene is one of the most well known ones

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Q: What are some pain killers that begin with the letter D?
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What are some pain pills that begin with the letter T?


What are some encouraging words that begin with the letter N?

No pain, no gain

Who are some singers that begin with the letter T?

T-pain taylor dayne tim hughes timbaland Toni Braxton Justin Timbelake

What are some streets that begin with the letter J?

Some street names that begin with the letter J:JackrabbitJacksonJacquelynJadeJamaicaJamesJamestownJanuaryJasmineJasperJavaJayJeffersonJenniferJeffreyJenkinsJerichoJeromeJerseyJessieJewelJewettJoanneJohnJohnsonJollyJonesJordanJosephJosephineJoyJoyceJuarezJubileeJudgeJudithJuliaJunctionJuniperJupiter

What are some words that begin with the letter P?

Some words that begin the letter P:PacePackPackagePackagedPaddlePagePaintPalePalmPanPancakePandaPanePanelPapaParagraphParasolPareParentParkParkedParkingParliamentParrotPartyPassionPastePatPatePatentPatentedPausePayPayingPaymentPeaPeacockPeakPeanutPearlPearPecanPeckPeculiarPeddlePeekPeerPegPeggedPelicanPenPencilPendantPendingPenmanshipPennyPeoplePepperPerfectPerilPerilousPeripheralPerkPersonPerspectivePerspirePertainPertinentPestPetPetalPettedPettingPhlegmPiPickPicklePicksPicturePiePierPilePillowPinPinePineapplePinheadPintPipePiperPiratePitPlacePlaidPlanPlanePlantsPlatePlayPleasingPleasurePlentyPlotPluckingPlumberPlumpPneumoniaPocketPointPokePolePonePoodlePoolPoopPoorPopPopcornPopsiclePopularPortPotPowderPowerPracticePrancingPrayPrecautionPreciousPrecipitationPredictionPreferPreferencePregnancyPregnantPrejudicePrematurePremiumPreparePreppyPrescribePresentationPresidentialPresidentPressPretensePrettyPreyPricePricelessPrimaryPrimatePrincePrincessPrintPrinterPrintingPrivacyPrivateProddedProfessionalProfessProfileProfitProgramProlificPromiseProperPropertiesPropertyProposalProtectPterodactylPuddlePurchasePurplePurportPurposePyrotechnicsPen, pig, potato, paddock, plate, pain, pill, plague, padding, pet, placid. Just to name a few. pea poop piepipe pink

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Can you consider pain killers as drug?

Not automatically, no. Some "pain killers" are depressants and others aren't. Aspirin, for example, is an analgesic ("pain killer") but not a depressant.

What are some pain pills that begin with the letter T?


What are some encouraging words that begin with the letter N?

No pain, no gain

Are pain killers addictive?

Most are, some are not.

Any sidev effects Chest congestion from cold and pain killers?

There may be some side effects of cold and pain killers taken for chest congestion. This may be liver damage or even death, in case of over dosage of pain killers.

What is the best cure for pain while on your period?

Take a nap! And take some pain killers

How do you do killers?

There are some Non-Perscription pain killers such as Asprin, Tylenol, or ibuprofen. For stronger stuff, ask your doctor

Can painkillers kill pathogens?

Pain killers only do just that- help to kill pain. Pathogens such as bacteria are not killed by pain medicine. Antibiotics are prescribed to kill some pathogens, but currently no antibiotics are also pain killers as well.

How do you get rid of back pain during periods?

There are a few ways.. The best way is probably having some pain killers/paracetamol etc. You can also fill up a hot water bottle and have it on your back. But i recommend staying in bed, take some pain killers and just relax.

What are some of the dangers of taking analgecis and pain killers to often?

how often do you take one m367

What are some over the counter pain killers?

Aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, among others.