Level 2: Bat-Vampire-Bear-Skull Level 3: Bat-Bear-Bear-Bat-Bat Level 4: Skull-Bear-Bat-Bear-Vampire Level 5: Bear-Bear-Skull-Skull-Skull Level 6: Bat-Vampire-Vampire-Skull-Bear Level 7: Vampire-Skull-Bat-Vampire-Skull
Level 1:Click New GameLevel 2:Bat, Vampire, Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, SkullLevel 3:Bat, Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, Bat, BatLevel 4:Skull, Teddy-Bear, Bat, Teddy-Bear, VampireLevel 5:Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, Skull, Skull, SkullLevel 6:Bat, Vampire, Vampire, Skull, Teddy-BearLevel 7:Vampire, Skull, Bat, Vampire, SkullLevel 7 is the last level.
Ther are 2 things you can do the first is you can go to your nearest build a bear workshop and buy a bear and use the codes on the bottom of the birth certificate in the build a bear workshop in build a bearvill. In addition to getting bear bills you'll get 10 bearvill outfitter's credits wich are very hard to get so use them wisely. The second thing you can do is emailguest.services@buidabear.com request a welcome pass to build a bearvill, give them your name and full mailling address. When you get it enter the code in the bearvill workshop and choose your on-line bear done! Hope this helps. :) see ya around build a bearvill. Ruthballetslippers4
Grizzly Bear and Polar bear .
Yes there are some cool cheats. If you have a stuff for stuff club card you can get unlimited buildabearville.com bear bills. Isnt that awesome. i cant tell you how, that you have to find out yourself, but it is way cool. I have gotten over one million bear bills and i am giving them out for free. Way awesome. Please be cool and tell me how to get unlimited bear bills. Sorry but like i said earlier i cant. that would ruin the challenge. Here are some money codes! These give you 1000 bear bills each. PEOP-BABW-2008 J94P-WJ64-NX2K W3YH-8B45-527M TK3Z-6V8P-V48L. Zaggy10
All the codes have been expired.
I am sorry I cant give you an answer because once you use one you cant use it again
Yes there are codes for build a bears codes for clothes on build a bear ville and codes for bears on buildabearville
Sorry there is no buildabearville codes like that, Sorry. I tried it. Add me, I'm AllisonRocknRoll1 on buildabearville!
get a build a bear and you're sure to get a recipt code!
go onto youtube.com, they have all sorts of codes 4 build a bear. including moves.
if you go to www.2010 cheats you'll see all the buildabearville codes that were ever made.
babvclub.yolasite.comMilkrcks0808 Milkrcks2008
animal id 04984764328478 key code zallypolkigr
=DEAR Buildabearville code lookers,==THERE ARE SOME CODES BUT I ONLY HAVE ONE. IT IS FOR 1000 BEAR BILLS. IT IS : TK326V8PV48L. Sorry i don't have more but you can look around on google to get more cheat codes.=Bear Hugs,ABBE2HIP28714
try 9a86-sh7d-babv100,000,000 bear bills
buy your self a bear dont ask people