Level 1:Click New Game
Level 2:Bat, Vampire, Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, Skull
Level 3:Bat, Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, Bat, Bat
Level 4:Skull, Teddy-Bear, Bat, Teddy-Bear, Vampire
Level 5:Teddy-Bear, Teddy-Bear, Skull, Skull, Skull
Level 6:Bat, Vampire, Vampire, Skull, Teddy-Bear
Level 7:Vampire, Skull, Bat, Vampire, Skull
Level 7 is the last level.
Level 2: Bat-Vampire-Bear-Skull Level 3: Bat-Bear-Bear-Bat-Bat Level 4: Skull-Bear-Bat-Bear-Vampire Level 5: Bear-Bear-Skull-Skull-Skull Level 6: Bat-Vampire-Vampire-Skull-Bear Level 7: Vampire-Skull-Bat-Vampire-Skull
The level codes are: Level 2 is magma Level 3 is fortress
Level 2 bat, vampire, teddy, teddy, skull Level 3 bat, teddy, teddy, bat, bat Level 4 skull, teddy, bat, teddy, vampire Level 5 teddy, teddy, skull, skull, skull Level 6 bat, vampire, vampire, skull, teddy Level 7 vampire, skull, bat, vampire, skull
level 21: 12871
level 11 28472
vampire skull skull bear
I just hasn't been finished yet. But it will come out soon.
Level 2: Bat-Vampire-Bear-Skull Level 3: Bat-Bear-Bear-Bat-Bat Level 4: Skull-Bear-Bat-Bear-Vampire Level 5: Bear-Bear-Skull-Skull-Skull Level 6: Bat-Vampire-Vampire-Skull-Bear Level 7: Vampire-Skull-Bat-Vampire-Skull
YES!!! my friend and i are obsessed with it and we love it. go onto zeeks.com for the first on but the best transylmania game is transylmania 2 on playsushi.com ITS THE BEST!!! <3
Level 2: Bat-Vampire-Bear-Skull Level 3: Bat-Bear-Bear-Bat-Bat Level 4: Skull-Bear-Bat-Bear-Vampire Level 5: Bear-Bear-Skull-Skull-Skull Level 6: Bat-Vampire-Vampire-Skull-Bear Level 7: Vampire-Skull-Bat-Vampire-Skull
The duration of Transylmania is 1.53 hours.
Transylmania was created on 2009-12-04.
The level codes are: Level 2 is magma Level 3 is fortress
There are no level codes for Brikers. On Brikers 2, the code to select any level (1 to 50) is bccu21a.
level 1:00000 level 2:90102 level 3:12367