Jr. Cellion, Jr. Grupin, Jr. Lioner, Cellion, Grupin, Lioner, Lucida, Star Pixie, Lunar Star Pixie, Jr. sentinel, Blue sentinel, Red sentinel, Leatty, Dark Leatty, Jr. Pepe, Papa Pixie
5 minutes
Monsters will try to kill you as soon as you are with in 16 blocks range of them, the range may be different for some monsters
Some monsters names that begin with the letter G are gargoyle and ghast.
portal mirror or talk to spielman at Kerning, ludi, orbis and Singapore
mw3,and 2k12,
Orbis - journal - was created in 1957.
Orbis Books was created in 1970.
Orbis Latinus was created in 1909.
Orbis Pictus was created in 1658.
Orbis International was created in 1982.
Go down orbis tower in orbis, down to floor 0. To get to orbis you can take a boat from ellinia.
You go to Orbis from ellinia, then from Orbis to Ariant.
It is located in Mu Lung.... Take the ship to Orbis and then to Mu Lung. Then there will be various monsters. Also you can partake in the Lord Pirates Quest...
Speculum Orbis Terrae was created in 1593.
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum was created in 1570.
Orbis Cascade Alliance was created in 2003.
The duration of Orbis Pictus - film - is 1.82 hours.