nice. lugia and ho-oh.
Actually, Ho-Oh isn't a water type. Lapras is a pretty good water type type, it can be found at the bottom of Union Cave and at the Safari Zone. Then theres Gyarados who is really powerful when it levels up.
You have to beat the Pokemon league in Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. In Sinnoh, there might be some trainers who have Torterra.
All Pokemon with a water-type can learn it. There are some other Pokemon that can learn it, but mostly water-Pokemon.
Pokemarts form Ecruteak City onwards and a shop in Mahogany Town have Repel for sale in Johto. Max Repel can be bought at the Pokemon League and other Pokemarts in Kanto have Repels of some sort as well.
Go to the Lake of Rage in Johto(When it isn't raining) go to the upper right, then surf to the red Gyrados who will be looking around for some reason.
Well it will be good for some Pokemon battles.
No, but you can catch some Johto Pokemon on the Sevii Islands.
All hoenn pokemon, some kanto and some johto examples include magmar and mantine.
Some good water Pokemon include (in their fully evolved form):BlastoiseFeraligatrKingdraGarydosKabutops
Yes there is even some johto Pokemon in there which are swinub, delibird(firered only), sneasel(leafgreen only) and many more water type Pokemon.
you can't go to johto in Pokemon leafgreen, not even Pokemon soulsilver or heartgold has two regions. but, don't give up hope, you can still catch SOME johto Pokemon in leafgreen, but NOT the starters. for example you can catch one of the 3 leagendary dogs, a different one for each starter.
Sorry No you can see some of the johto league Pokemon on Pokemon diamond and pearl if you go to the battle tower. ive seen a totodile and a cynaquil already. ;)
It is the same one as the johto Pokemon leuge only tougher and some different Pokemon
You have to beat the Pokemon league in Hoenn, Kanto and Johto. In Sinnoh, there might be some trainers who have Torterra.
Yes, you do need to have captured Latios and Latias in order to receive a Johto starter Pokemon. However, they themselves do not play an important role. To receive a Johto starter Pokemon from Professor Birch, you must have captured (or in some way owned) every Pokemon in the Hoenn Pokedex, so naturally having Latias and Latios is necessary.
After you beat the elite four, get the rainbow pass, and go to islands 4-7. you can catch some on each island.
Yes but you can only unlock them after you get the national dex because they contain some johto Pokemon like mareep snubull and houndour i am sure about the first 2 i am not so sure about houndour but there are many more johto Pokemon in the hidden parts of the safari zone. Hope i helped =)
After getting the national dex you can find johto Pokemon roaming around the sevii islands AKA islands 1-7. Take a look around each island to find all the johto Pokemon, here are some hints where to look: One island, Four island, Five island, Six island, Seven island.