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i know alot of games where you get tot be an animal this is a list of them in order of my favourite 1st is best:

NO download:

animal jam (like Club Penguin only better!)

club penguin(a virtual world where you are a penguin)

neopet(not really a world but its cool)

pet pet park(supports neopets but is a virtual world)

bin weevils( your like a bug thing and live in a bin with others)

DOWNLOAD( no virus)

wolf quest (your a wolf you customize it and you have to survive and build a pack)

toon town (your an animal but your walk like a human fight cogs and adopt pets)

Digimon battle (you have your own digimon and fight other people ok if you like digimon)

thanks for reading and i hope you enjoy the games :D

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Q: What are some good games where you get to be an animal?
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Play animal games for boys online at Pet Games , Animal Planet, My Animal games. These are all free online and offer a wide array of games where kids can play with animals.

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foopets virtualbark heavy games addicting games horse tycoon fish tycoon Club Penguin WolfQuest(download) neopets insanaquarium fishland

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maybe... just search for "animal simulation games" in the app store :)

What are some fun virtual animal games? games well that's all i got and i havent been to any of those so good luck but they are real

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club penguin.

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webkinz but you have to get the animal that goes with it (sycamore mall Bonnie's toys)