IMVU I guess
second life
imvu clubpenguin stardoll omgpop
I am a member of imvu and i think their is no way you can get a free avatar name. The only way to get a free one with guest off your name is if you buy a Prepaid Card from local stores Like Best Buy and Target. I buy prepaid cards and my guest on my avatar name is gone. So your best way to get it free is to buy a 10, or 25 dollar imvu card and Hey why not you get to go shopping too.
no not really there is no games like imvu for kids 12 and under and has 3d featers. really good pixel website :D
a better one is IMVU its a 3D chat and it won't give viruses and its free
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Well, all the games like that have to have installation unlike club penguin that is another kind of game though.
Ummm...not like imvu, but tryIknowthat.comneopets.comclubpenguin.comthose are safe chat sites
IMVU I guess
second life
You can't, IMVU took it off. (this is like the 10th time I've answered questions relating to the free spin...)
Games like meez are like Imvu , Habbo , Weeworld <3 Haahaaaaa, :)
Yes, online games like habbo, etc.